Chapter 8⃣

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Becky's pov.
The whole cab ride home was silent. No one made a sound. It took us about 30 minutes to get home because there was a lot of traffic.

When we got home, KALIN gave the cab drive a $50 dollar bill, grabbed his bags out of the trunk and rushed inside.

I was sure that he hated me and I felt that I couldn't do anything to change it.

MYLES, Jessica, and I walked inside when MYLES said that he was hungry. This reminded me of how bad my stomached yearned for food.

" okay I'll order a pizza. " Jessica said grabbing her phone out of her purse.

I went back to my room when I walked in on Kalin, shirtless. I had completely forgotten that we were sharing a room tonight. I was thinking about how awkward tonight would be because of how mad he was at me, when KALIN cut me off by saying:

" are you gonna come in or are you going to just stare at me? I mean I know I'm fly, but damn girl. " the sound of his raspy voice made me chuckle.

" okay loser. So you don't hate me? " I said throwing his shirt that I sat on by accident at him.

" No. BECKY. I don't hate you. I really like you. That's the problem. I'm just frustrated because I thought that you were in to me.... And only me. But I will fight for you for as long as my ego lets me. " he said. " I'm kidding! "

We both laughed then I went to go change into my pjs. When I came out I walked over to kalin and said:

" why? "

" what are you talking about? " he asked.

" why do you like me? " I asked. I am still trying to figure out which one I wanted to be with. I know that I'd always like both of them... But which one did I need.

" BECKY, I like you because you make me feel something. Something that I have never felt... I don't know. It's kinda like you make me feel okay with not being perfect... " when he said this it got too serious in the room so I tried to lighten up the mood.

" People think that you are perfect? " I said laughing.

We laughed for a while until Jessica came in to say:

" pizza's here! Come get it before MYLES devours it. "

KALIN and I walked out of the room and as I was walking to the kitchen, someone grabbed me. They dragged me back to Jessica's dark room... Then the light turned on..

It was MYLES.

" MYLES you ass! I almost had a heart attack! " I yell-whispered.

" come with me back to the beach.. I need to talk to you privately. " MYLES whispered.

" what... Why? I mean isn't this private? " I said this hoping that I didn't have to change. My pjs become my second skin instantly.

" no... I need to be with you... Alone. " he sounded so serious that I couldn't turn him down.

" okay fine. But we aren't going all the way to the beach that we were at earlier. There's one down there. " I said pointing out of Jessica's window. " it's not as pretty as the other one but its definitely private. "

" okay... It's 2:00 am now... Meet me there at 4 everyone should be asleep. " Myles said this in the same serious tone that seemed so foreign to him.

We both agreed and then I walked out to the kitchen only to see one very small slice of pizza waiting for me... Damn how long were we talking????!

" hey guys... Feel like watching a movie?" I said with my most chipper voice I could muster up...

" nah I think I'm going to go to bed. " Jessica said.

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