Chapter six

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MYLES' pov
Everyone was in the car. We were about halfway through our trip. Jessica and BECKY were sleeping in the back seat. Kalin was driving and I was on my phone.
We kept switching positions and drivers. The ride at first was extremely fun. We all ate road trip food and played road trip games, but now there was nothing left to do.
KALIN turned on the radio only to get static.
" hey dude let's just talk" KALIN said.
KALIN and I were really out of ways to entertain ourselves so that sounded like a great idea.
" okay, about what" I asked.
" I don't know... Um do you have feelings for anybody? " KALIN asked me.
This question made the sprite that I was drinking go down the wrong pipe. I couldn't say BECKY.

" uh I don't think so... " I said in between coughs.

" come on there has to be someone! Jessica maybe? " KALIN said while getting off of the freeway for a food and pee stop.

" um ya. I guess I do like Jessica"I lied.
Uhg BECKY and I should've been honest. Now there's just so many lies.

" cool man. But you know... I think I love BECKY. " KALIN said.
Once again I choked on the

" man that sprite must hate you" KALIN joked.

" nah I'm good. But are you sure? " I asked trying to figure out if I should be worried about KALIN and BECKY.

" yes. Whenever I'm with her I feel comfortable. Happy. I feel alive. We were at her house earlier today and we just chilled. absolutely no first date awkwardness. "

What? he went to her house.

" I don't know I've ever felt like this before. " KALIN said as he parked in the parking lot of Taco Bell.
Becky's pov
MYLES woke me up. We were at Taco Bell and I was starving so I got out right away. I didn't have much feeling in my legs so I shook them out then sat down in the car. The food could wait.
" hey can we talk? " MYLES said.
I nodded. I wasn't really the nicest person after I first woke up.
We walked into Taco Bell and sat down at the bar.

" KALIN says that he might love you. " MYLES said as soon as my butt touched the chair.

" really? " I said trying to hide my enthusiasm.

" yes. Do you feel the same way? " Myles asked me.

" well...the one date showed me that I have slight feelings for him. But I need to spend more time with him so that I can figure out what the feelings are. " I said while pulling my hair tie out and messing with my hair to let it be free.

" WHAT? How I don't understand aren't we.. You know? " Myles said.

" if you mean in a relationship then I'm sorry to say that we aren't. But you made that call. " I said as I got and went to order my food.
" ya that's it. " I said to the order lady.

" your total is $5.47 " I gave her the money and then walked back to the car.
As I walked passed MYLES I have him a quick look.
Kalin's pov
BECKY walked over looking gorgeous even in her sweats that she changed into at our last stop. She motioned for me to come over to her so I put my phone on the car charger and to Jessica that we could finish playing our race on fun run later.
I walked over toward BECKY and she sat down on the bench that was right outside of Taco Bell.
She didn't wait or hesitate to say:

" so you love me? "

Dammit Myles!

" uh... Um yes. At least I think so. I wanted to figure it out before the week was over. " I said.

Becky smiled and abruptly kissed me then she said:

" I feel the same way..."
Jessica's pov
It was finally my turn to drive and I was determined to get us to the beach house before 2am.
I was using my navigation for directions when my phone died. Everyone was sleep and I thought I knew my way.
I thought that we were close because when I turned up the radio the static wasn't there. I listened to Feelin Myself by nicki Minaj and Beyoncé.
I drove for about an hour when I saw an exit that said Newbrooke Rd. I took the exit because I thought that it was the way that we went last time. I drove for about and hour through these hills and trees. apparently it wasn't what I thought it was, though because I ended up on a super narrow road in the middle of nowhere.
I shook MYLES who was in the passenger seat and told him to wake up. He did and then he look around and said:

KALIN or MYLESWhere stories live. Discover now