Chapter 9⃣

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I arrived at the diner that we ate at the previous day and I just ordered a coffee and a croissant with chocolate pieces in it.

" here you go. " the waitress said. " any cream or sugar for your coffee sir? " she asked shedding a faint smile.

" no thanks I kinda need this one black. " I said taking a sip of the bitter hot liquid that woke me up a little.

I pulled out my phone and searched through my contact list until I found a number that was under:


I pressed call and listened intently to the rings.

" Hello. Highland Hospital, how may I help you? " the familiar voice said.

" hi. Uh... Can I please speak to Dr. Speck-Brown? " I said after taking another sip of my extremely bitter coffee.

" MYLES? Is that you! " the phone lady said. " I haven't heard your voice in such a long time! "

" ya. This is MYLES. How are you doing Mrs. Pratt? " I asked.

Because of my condition I was always calling Highland Hospital and I knew the staff really well.

" I'm good Myles. My husband finally bought that boat house! I'm sorry I almost forgot that you are calling for a doctor. " she said.

" it's okay. I'm so happy I know Mr. Pratt has wanted that boat house since I first met him." I said with a soft cough. " I do need to talk to Dr. Speck-Brown though. " I said while trying to hold back my cough that was about to explode from me.

" okay I'll transfer you over... Feel better My'. "

All I heard after that was more of those rings.

" hello? " Dr. Speck-Brown said.

" Hi. This is MYLES. It's back I am feeling weak again " I said.

" Oh MYLES. Yes.. It must be bad, you usually don't call until your a second from dying. " She said trying to lighten up the mood.

I laughed a little because she couldn't be more correct. I hated appearing weak. Actually no one knows that I have this problem besides my parents.

" so. Is your pee clouding back up? Or is it just the feeling of weakness? " she asked me.

" well my pee has a white tint to it. And I am having pain in my stomach. " I said kind've whispering.

" Hmm. Um. Okay just head over so that I can run a couple of tests. " the doctor said.

" actually I'm not in the bay right now. That's why I called what should I do in case the fever comes back? " I said still speaking quietly.

" well. You know that if a fever comes, you are to put the ice cap on your head. Do you have that where you are staying? " she asked.

" yes I do. So I just put that on and take the little pill thingys? " I asked.

" yes and fill a two liter soda bottle up with cranberry juice and have it on your bed side. Put the elongated tube on the top so that you can drink it without moving." She said.

" okay I will thank you Doc. Any news on a cure? " I asked as I do at the end of every call with her.

" I'm sorry MYLES. There aren't any new antibiotics that we can test your resistance to." is all that she said and I hung up.

I have had a terminal infection since I was in ninth grade. It has hindered me from doing so many things. Including prom.

But KALIN thinks that I had an audition for a record label and that's why I missed it . I never tell any of my friends because I hate appearing weak.

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