Chapter 34

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Kalin's Pov

I sat in this room. With the aroma of fresh blood only hungering me more.

I haven't eaten in what seems to have been all night.

My wrists are bleeding from the handcuffs and whenever I move I cut deeper into them.

I remembered that I wasn't in here alone. And I look over at Myles. His slumped body laying there lifelessly.

"Myles" I call out croaking through the dryness of my throat.

I get no response.

I reach my long legs over to him. The tip of my black Air Force's graces the side of him.


I don't know why all of this is happening. And where is Becky?

Becky's Pov.

I sat in the corner naked my knees tightly pulled into my chest and my white knuckled grip causing the side of my nails to bleed.

Sometime during that checkup I fought back. And when Marco left he left me with no clothes as a punishment.

All the other girls seem sorry and some even tried to comfort me. But after what just happened I don't think I'll ever talk again.

He explored parts of my body that no one has yet.

I sat on the cold floor my skin blistering from the chill.

"Becky come over here I have blankets." A soft voice said.

I slightly turned my gaze toward it. It was grace.

"You no what? I'll bring that to you. You just sit tight."

I looked around the room and saw one girl break down into sobs.

Out of no where. Her voice cut deep. It made me want to cry. But I have to stay numb. If I let all the feels in then I won't be able to get out of here.

A rough yet warm fabric was laid on me.

It was like the lining of a comforter. But in this moment it felt like satin.

I pulled myself back together because I still have to get out of here.

"How do you guys get supplies?" I said looking in grace's direction. "Like the food and this blanket."

Grace smiled and nodded:

"Julio gives sneaks them to us"

Kalin's Pov.

"Myles bruh answer me!" I almost yelled.

I am starting to get worried. Why isn't he answering. Maybe all this stress triggered his fever back. And he is in another coma.

I couldn't do that. He can't be in a-

"Myles! BRUH. Respond right now!" I screamed.


I turned away from him and broke into tears.

I spaced out as the warm beads of water rolled down my cheeks.

Becky is in this place somewhere. And the girl I came to save is in here too.

No I'm in here and so is my Bestfriend.

Fuck this. We are getting out of here.

"Hey!!!" I yelled my voice cracking at the top of my plea.

"HEY YOU FUCKERS COME GET ME.!" I yelled waiting for them to open that door.

In less then ten seconds the door flew open.

And the main guy stood in the doorway with a shot gun.

"Take my handcuffs off and let me and my friends leave. And we will act like this never happened."

I said with a dead face.

The guy laughed and said:

"Or what pretty boy"

"Or I'll kill you." I said meaning it with all of my soul.

He laughed some more then walked into the room, right toward me. He stopped laughing and kicked me right in the stomach.

Again. And again. And again.

I felt the top of his boot hit in between my ribs.

I felt a rush of liquid come from my nose to my mouth. And when it became too much to hold in my mouth I coughed it out.

It was blood.

He continued to kick me and at this point I couldn't even yell.

Then something clicked. I might die in here.

Short but sweet right?

Okay thanks for radiant and happy Sunday.

Stay tuned to find out what happens to Kalin,Myles, and Becky.

-author out like bow 💥.

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