Chapter Five

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Haleigh's POV

Mason leads me back to his room. 

"So where did you go?" I ask him. 

"I went shopping for something. I got you a birthday present." I turn and look at him. 

"You didn't have to buy me anything. Just finding you is enough." I say to him. 

"Haleigh it's your birthday baby. I want to spoil you." Mason tells me as he gives me a bag. I raise an eyebrow. 

"Please just open. I know this isn't something either of us are used to but I'm trying to be a good mate."

"Mason, I don't need expensive stuff or fancy jelewry.' I tell him. 

"I know Haleigh. Please open it."

I sit down on his bed and open the gift. 

I pull out a cell phone. A brand new iPhone X with a purple sparkling otter box case. 

"MASON!!!" I yell. 

"Before you say take it back, let me explain please. I want to be able to reach you at all times and text with you. I want to be able to flirt with you in private. I can't do that through a mind link. People can break walls and I want you to be up to date with technology. You'll be able to handle the pack email, phone calls, and anything else."

"But Mason, my paycheck right now goes to my truck. Gas, insurance, parts and repairs."

"I'll pay for it.  You're on my cell phone plan anyways.'

"Mason this is too much."

"Haleigh, you are mate. I love you. I want to know you're safe at all times. Please baby." Mason pleads with me. I stare at him.  

I nod. 

"Okay." I mutter. Tears fill my eyes. 

"Honey please don't cry. What's worng?"

"Nobody's ever cared this much. I mean my family sure but I don't have friends or anybody until you. I guess I didn't realize how good it felt to matter to someone." I whisper. "I know it's stupid to say."

Suddenly Mason is kissing me. I'm shocked at first but quickly melt into him and kiss him back. 

He pulls away. 

"It's not stupid. You deserve to be spoiled rotten and I'm going to spoil you every chance I get. Haleigh I don't want you ever to feel like you don't rate in my world. You're my number one person."

I smile at him. 

"Thank you." I give him a quick peck on the lips. 

"So how do I use it?" I ask him looking at the object. Of course I know how to use one, my cousin Caroline has one and she's always showing me all kinds of different apps she uses. 

But I want Mason to feel helpful. 

Mason spends the rest of our time explaing and programing. I can't wait to upload all my music. I'm a huge music junkie. Music is a massive escape for me.

Mason take me to work and stays to help me out. Which is awesome since I'm only able to work with one arm tonight.

It's funny seeing him try to change a diaper but he's really good at feeding, burping, and rocking the newborns to sleep. 

Parents start trickling in to pick up their children until I'm left with Charlie and April. They are part of my infant room. They're twins and their mother is a nutcase. I'm always calling their grandma to come and get them. She's too old to be taking care of the twins. I've asked the Alpha to see if we can get the mom help but nothing seems to work with her. 

Everyone else has gone home including my sister-in-law. 

"Is she always this late?" Mason asks as he sat in the rocking chair with Charlie laying against his chest. 

I rock April back and forth. She's fussier than her brother. Charlie is a laided back little man. April is a little more high maintance.  

"Yeah. Must of the time their grandma comes in to get them. But she's been sick lately. I don't know who the twins would have if anything happened to her." I shake my head. 

By quarter to seven I know thier mother isn't coming to get them. 

April is sleeping in the crib and Mason is playing with Charlie when I call their grandma. 

"Hello." Her voice sounds weak. 

"Hi Mrs. Ried, I'm so sorry to be calling like this again but we have April and Charlie at the daycare and Wendy hasn't made any contact or come to pick them up and I tried calling her but she's not answering her phone at all."

"Oh Haleigh, I'm sorry. I'll be up to get them in 5 minutes. That girl deosn't realize that she can't keep doing this. The Alpha's talking about taking them away."

"I'm sorry Mrs. Ried but I have to report this. This is the 3rd time this week and Mason is here helping today. I wish I didn't have too. I know you love these babies."

"Oh dear. I know. I can't ask you to not do that anymore. I'll be right in."

"Okay. We'll get the kids ready."

I hang up the phone and sigh. This is frustrating. 

Their grandma can't take them full time  and Wendy is constantly getting into trouble. 

"Is someone coming Haleigh?" Mason asks me. 

"Yes their grandma. We should get them ready to go."

Mason gets Charlie ready and then helps with April. 

Mrs. Ried pulls up as I lock the doors. 

Mason had set the kids in his SUV to keep warm. 

"Thank you for the call Haleigh."

"You're welcome Mrs. Ried." 

"Hello Mason. Tell your father I'll talk to him soon."

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry."

"Oh Mason, it's not your fault nor is it your father's. Wendy should have grown up when she got pregnant but she couldn't and now Charlie and April have to pay the price."

"I know ma'am. We'll talk about it more soon.  Maybe we can find a compromise that will be good for you and the twins." Mason says. 

"Well you guys have a good night. I want to get the babies home."

"Have a good night Mrs. Ried."

"Thank you Haleigh. Have a happy Birthday dear."

"I will." Mason leads me to his SUV and helps me in. 

"Your brother went and picked up your truck at school this afternoon."

"Oh." I whispered. They're trying for brownie points. I bet the house is clean, laundry is done and trash taken out. 

Mason drives us up to my place while I play on my phone. 

"This game called Temple Run is addicting." I tell him. He laughs at me. 

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