Chapter Eight

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Haleigh's POV

I followed Kennedy into the kitchen and stood at the counter. There were two sandwiches sitting there.

"Are you sure you're okay?" 

"Yeah, I didn't get hurt. It just scared me." I tell Mason.

"It scared all of us too. I mean we've all been home all afternoon and we never heard anything." Zeta says. 

"I know but you guys were probably busy and this person has to be really good. They managed to get into my bathroom window on the 3rd story." I shake my head and pick up my sandwich. It scares me to think that someone had been in my room.  

"Still, I don't think I've ever seen Mason panic like that before. He knew something was wrong and took off a full 30 seconds before you screamed."


"Yeah and the way he is with you is so romantic. I wish Freddrick was a little like that."

"No you don't. You'd question him if he started acting like that." Piper says. 

"Yeah you're probably right. But it doesn't hurt to have a little romance in your life."

"He bought me a phone for my birthday. He said he want to know where I was at and to be able to communicate without people listening to us through mind links." I tell them. 

"Well he's an Alpha, the need to protect you is going to be huge. And being able to text him anything you want is pretty handy." Vera says. 

"Right, are my pain meds here?" I asks. 

"Yes dear." Grandma set them in front of me on the counter. 

"Thank you grandma." I tell her as I take my pain pill. I really only need one because it makes me loopy even though the bottle says to take two. 

"I don't know who would do this. I mean you guys just found out that you're mates. Who could possibly know ready?"

"Well Tyler does only because he came up to us after we were done at the nurse's office to apologize.  But he guessed it. We didn't really have to tell him."

"What about those three that are constantly picking on you?"

"No I don't think so. There's a baseball game tonight and they're cheerleaders. They have to be there or they could get kicked off the squad. New school/pack rule."

"Geez Haleigh who else would want to climb into your bathroom window and cover it in blood?"

"I have no idea."

"Doesn't matter who. We'll find them." Mason says from the doorway. He scans the room looking overly tough until his eyes fall upon me. They soften and fill with concern. 

"Did you take a pain killer?" He asks me. 

"Yeah I did." I notice Mason holding my suitcase. "What's going on?"

"You're coming to stay with me. And before you argue, I need to know that you're safe at all times and you can sleep in the spare room. Please." Mason begs me really. His eyes are pleading with me to just agree. The girls are geared up for a fight but I don't have the energy. 

"Okay." I see no sense in arguing with Mason.  

"Thank you. We can leave whenever you're ready too." Mason says. 

"Okay." I tell him. 

Dad comes into the kitchen. 

"I have your birthday present sweetie. Your mom, she picked this out when we found you were a little girl."

Dad hands me a box. It's wrapped in pink wrapping paper. 

I carefully open the package. There's a book, actually more like a journal. It's dark brown hardcover is scattered with rose petals across the front. In gold lettering it says my fullname on the binding. 

I flip it open and find my mom's handwriting. The journal is full. So I start at the first page. 

Dear babygirl, 

When you're reading this you'll probably be 18 and you just might hate me. Well dislike me is more how I see it. 

Right now, I'm currently four months pregnant with you. Your daddy is so excited to be having a girl. 

I don't now how your brothers will feel  when  you're born but I do know that they will love you to death for the rest of your life. 

But babygirl nobody will love you more than me. You're my surprise baby. I never planned on having more kids after Greggory, but then I took that test. I cried so hard. First of all your dad and I tried so hard before to have another but it never happened, we just sort of gave up. But you my sweet babygirl gave us that hope back. 

You may not have been planned but you are the best surprise ever. 

So if you're reading this, you're 18 years old today babygirl. Happy Birthday. 

Even though your father and I haven't figured out a name for you yet, I know you'll be an amazing person. I know that you'll  be great, kind, caring, and a wonderful lady. I wrote this journal so that one day you'll understand how much I actually love you. And I know you will. And once you have children of your own, you'll really understand. So enjoy this babygirl. 

I love you so much. 

Your mommy

Tears are running down my face. 

"Did you know she wrote this?" Iask my dad.

"I knew. When she passed away, I decided to wrap it up and it's been sitting in my desk drawer for a while now. I've been waiting for your 18th birthday to give it to you."

"Thank you daddy." I get up and hug him. 

"You're welcome babygirl." Dad hugs me back. 

"You're going to stay with Mason for awhile until we can get this settled darling. I'll be over in the evenings to see you though."

"Okay daddy." I can feel my pain killer starting to work. 

"Alright, time to go sweetie. Your pain medicine is taking over." Mason says. 

I nod. Dad leads me out to the living rom and helps me into my jacket and flip flops. Mason grabs my purse and bags. Dad helps me out to Mason's SUV. 

"Wait did you grab my blankie?" My words are starting to slur together. He stares at me. 

"Of course I remember your blanket." He says buckling me in and closing the door. I feel myself slip away.   

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