Chapter Twelve

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Haleigh's POV

After a long trip at the mall and some amazing Olive Graden, Ellie decided it was time to get home. Liv was tired. She kept yawning all the way through lunch. 

After telling Liv to text me when she made it home, Ellie and I want back to the house. 

I've been dreading this moment since this morning. 

"Haleigh, you hold your head high. You did nothing wrong babygirl. That boy needs to learn a lesson." Ellie whispers as we pulled in the driveway.  I nodded Mason's SUV is parked under the carport. 

Ellie parks in the garage. 

"Why do you help me put together April and Charlie's rooms? They're coming over tomorrow and you have spent more time with them." Ellie suggests. 

"Okay. That sounds fun."

Shea was out the door and next to the car immediatly. 

"How was shopping?" 

"Haleigh's stubborn and insisted on paying for all her stuff. She even got Charlie and April clothes today."

"Haliegh you're such a sweetheart. I'll carry your bags. You guys go in. Haliegh needs to take something for her arm. I can tell you're in pain."

Ellie's head whips around and she stares at me. 

"It's because you were carrying all of Liv's bags too. Haliegh, she would have been fine carrying her own bags."

"But she's pregnant."

"And you have a broken arm missy. Let's go find you some pain meds."

"I think Mason still has them." Pain rushes through me and tears pour down my face. 

Ellie rushes over to me. 

"Oh honey. It will get better."

"What if he hates me? I'm too weak to even stand up for myself." I sobbed. 

"Haliegh, you were never weak. You were just an easy target. You know if it had been one of them then it would have been different but we both know that you couldn't take on all of them at once. Nobody can sweetheart."

"He walked away from me. He broke his promise and walked away." I sobbed even harder. 

"Oh honey. I think a pain killer and a nap will help you right now. Shea take her up to the spare room, I'll grab her something." Ellie says. Shea nods. 

He carries me up the stairs and to the spare room. I cry even harder when Mason's scent hits me.  

"It will get better Haliegh. I promise. My son will pull his head out of his ass." Shea says as he lays me underneath the covers and tucks me in. 

Ellie brings me a pain killer and a sleeping pill  with a glass of water. It doesn't take long before I pass out. 

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