The End

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18 Years Later

Keagan sat in his last english class ever. The teacher droned on and on about how everyone had the right to control your own future. Hell that never applied to Keagan Chilson. His entire life was laid in front of him from the day he was born. He would be Alpha of his family's pack. He would take his father's position.

"Keagan, pay attention." His twin sister Charlotte 'Lottie' whisper yells from behind him.

"Lottie I have got about ten more seconds before we are free from this hell hole. Then Abbie and I have all summer together."

"Yeah it's so not fair that you already for your mate." She says back at me.

"Well I'm not the one who's spending all summer in Europe with Aunt April."

"No you and Uncle Charlie are going to raise hell here. Remember you can't give dad a heart attack just back you want his position. You'll get all that responsibility soon enough."

The bell rings and we all fly out of the classroom and threw the hallways. I search for Abbie in the hallway. I find her running down the hallway and straight into my arms.

"Hey precious girl." I whisper as I kiss her lips.

"Hi wolf boy." She whispers back. Even with her being hybrid, she's still my amazing mate. I am so lucky. I know it worries my parents because they have never heard of such a match up.

My brother is leading Abbie straight out the door as I grab my school bag. Graduation is finally here and I can focus all my attention on my traveling plans. April and I are take a 3 month back packing trip through Europe. Of course April's mate Nico is coming with us. Uncle Colten made that clear the day we announced that we were going. I walk out to my car and go pick up my other siblings from the elementary and middle school.

Carter and Noah are signing their names in a bunch of year books when I pull up. I honk the horn to hurry them along. They scurry into the vehicle. Carter and Noah are twins too. Both of them look exactly like dad. From the dark hair right down to the charming personality. They are total players.

"Jeez Lottie, you can't rush the love master." Carter tells me.

"Are you kidding me Carter? You and Noah know nothing about being the love masters. Just wait until mom hears about your new titles." I tell them as I laugh at them. We head to the elementary school so I grab Lacey. I find her hiding in her usual spot.

"Lacey girl, come out from there. We need to get back to the house." I call out to her. She's hiding in the tires that are half buried in the ground.

"Are the bullies gone?" She squeaks as she peeks her head out.

"They aren't going to come near you while I am. I thought I told you that you have to stand up for yourself. Tell them off." I tell Lacey. Lacey look like mom. She's a tiny little thing, light blonde hair and she's got glasses.

She gets picked on a lot and I try to stand up for as much as possible.

"Come on kid, let's get home. I bet mom will let you help her make supper." I tell Lacey. For her only being six years old, she's an amazing cook.

I get Lacey buckled into her seat and head home.

The minute I put the car in park, Noah and Carter are off to cause trouble. I swear those two remind me of Uncle Carlos and Diego.

I let Lacey out of her seat and we head into the house. Mom is in the kitchen prepping for the big party tonight. All of our family members are going to be here.

Watching my kids into the same house that I grew up in, just warms my heart. I can't believe my oldest babies are graduating. I can remember just like yesterday when they were born. Mason, Colten and Nolan managed to attack and kill Wendy, her drug dealer and Taylor's parents. It had been a fight though. Mason came home with a couple broken ribs and a swallow eye.

Once we knew everything was going to be okay, we announced to everyone that the threat was no longer in place and that the twins had been born. Dimitri was very thankful that we had taken care of the person responsible for his wife's death. He was also thankful to finally know the truth.

We noticed pretty early on that Abbie and Keagan had a great connection. It wasn't until Keagan jumped in front of a dirt bike to save Abbie that we realized that they were mates. I was excited and yet scared for my oldest son.

Lottie, she's my strong independent girl. Nothing will ever stop her from doing what she wants. That's why when April and Lottie decided to spend all summer in a bunch of foreign countries, we didn't really have the courage to stop them. Of course April's mate Nico, Ashley and Colten's oldest boy is going with them. Thank god. Maybe Mason won't totally freak out.

We waited a few years before Carter and Noah came along. Those two are my hellions. I love them to death but I am going to need a lot of bail money for them in high school.

Lacey, she reminds me of myself. Shy, quiet, and a wall flower. It doesn't really matter how many times we try to boost her confidence, she's always more happy in the kitchen cooking with Auntie Ava or me.

I glance over at my 3 year old. Leo was a surprise. I thought that my birth control was working. Leo is adventurous. He's always trying to figure everything out. He's very smart.

Then there's my seventh and final baby. Keeley is only two months old. She's such a daddy's girl. If she's not with daddy then she's angry. 

I watch as Mason looks through Carter and Noah's yearbooks. He comments about all the ladies' numbers they got. Keeley tucked safely in his arms. 

He looks up at me as if he knows that I am watching him and smiles at me. I will always melt at that smile. 

I think that life turned out pretty well for Mason and I. We're more in love with each other than we have been. With 7 happy healthy kids, I think that I made out pretty well. I went from the snow white of the family to the Queen of the pack. 

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