Chapter 25

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                                                                           Mason's POV

I talk to Greg about everything that happened in the diner.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. I mean we weren't really pay attention to the people in the diner like we usually would at family dinners. Hales and I love to people watch and see what we can predict. Definitely not that scent in the diner. Everything smelled normal in the diner. I would have taken her out of there if I had smelled it in the diner. But all over when we walked out of the diner. It's the same scent that was in her bathroom. I swear Mason." Greg tells me.

"Where did the scent lead to?" I question. I need to figure this shit out before some thing happens to Haliegh. I'm terrified of her getting hurt.

"Back behind the diner, through the woods and out to the road. There must have been a car waiting for them because the scent completely disappears when they hit the road."

"Damn, this was planned. Thank you for taking care of her and keeping her safe." Knowing that is was planned out, scares me more. Someone has been watching us to know that Haliegh was going to be at the diner by herself. This isn't someone who just has a thing against Hales. This is revenge for something either against me or her.

"Always Mason. She's my little sister. We might fight all the time but she's my only sister. I will always be there for her no matter what."

"I take it you guys worked everything out then."

"We did. I missed her. You don't realize how much you depend on your siblings being there until they aren't." Greg tells me.

I smile at him.

"She missed you too. She won't admitt it but she misses all of you guys. It wouldn't be a bad idea to a family dinner night like once a week."

"Good idea. I'll talk it over with the rest of my brothers."

                                                                       Haliegh's POV

Mason has kept me under supervision since the incident at the diner. Basically I can't leave the house without being with someone. It's craziness because basically he's convinced everyone, that I can't be alone unless I'm at home. Which I am never home alone, because we live with his parents and two siblings. I am going to crazy. And it's only been a week.

I pull the top half of my hair back into a clip. I glance down at my black dress that Vera and Kennedy got me. My black heels match. My make up and hair look perfect.

I grab my cap and robe.

Mason is waiting for me at the bottom of the stair case.

"Thank god. We're going to be late." Mason says.

"We still have an hour before we actually have to be at the school." I tell him as I glance at my phone.

"I want to be early. That way you have enough time for pictures." Mason tells me. I laugh. Leah and I have been torturing Mason and Tyler by getting pictures every chance we can.

Mason leads me out to our new Jeep. Recently he took me vehicle shopping with him the other day. I really didn't want to but I figured if I was going to be forced to go pick out a vehicle. I was getting what I wanted in the first place. Mason was all to happy to let me do my shopping. I ended picking out a Maroon Jeep Wrangler, 4 door, with the 4 wheel drive and brush guard.

All I could do was smile when I asked the sales man about car seats fitting in the back seat. Mason was clueless. He figured it was for Charlie and April. I can't wait to surprise him tonight.

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