Chapter 22

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Mason's POV

Haleigh fell asleep a while ago. I know I should probably get her up so that she can eat something and take her pain pill nut she looks so peaceful and having my mate in my arms is amazing. She makes my wolf a hundred time calmer. I play with her hair for a little bit.

My mind wonders back to the woods. Haleigh is always thinking the worst of herself. She feels like she doesn't belong with me.

Hearing her say that she's basically a curse to me, angered me and my wolf. Haleigh deserves so much better. She deserves to be confident in herself.

But because she doesn't, it just reminds me that she's been through hell with everyone around her.

I love that she isn't experienced in the dating field. That I might be able to win her over with flowers and date nights.

It makes me realize that I need to step up and be a better person for her.

Haleigh's POV

The next two weeks seem to go pretty well. Mason and I have been getting along great. He's avoided going to diner on Saturday morning but he and Tyler still disappear in the morning. They always come back all sweaty and covered in dirt. Mason tells me that they're doing yard for some of the pack members. Something special.

Mason helps me out with just about everything because of my arm. Which I am finally getting my cast off.

Leah and I spend a lot of time again. She brings Kiera over all the time. Kiera is absolutely adorable. I'm in love with her.

We had a dinner party with Everyone's parents and it was very interesting.  Tyler's mom hit on my dad while Tyler's dad hit on Mason's mom. Leah's mom and step dad seemed interested in everything but being at the dinner party.  They talked about their new child. Leah's brother. Of course Charlie and April were stealing everyone's attention. Which was fine. Leah's parents left early and everyone seemed to relax.

Dad said everybody is looking for their own place to live. That I bought up some good facts with my burst of outrage and they all feel the need to get on with their lives  Liv and Edward were the first ones to move out. Leah and I helped Liv decorate the house. We're excited to decorate the baby's room.

I still haven't talked to Piper or Greg. I know it hurts my dad with Greg and I not talking but I think he understands that I'm not backing down from this argument. At least I hope he does.

Tomorrow is the last day of school and we graduate on Friday. I can't wait until I can finally say that I'm done with high school.

"Haleigh?" Mason knocks on my door as I finish braiding my hair.

Tonight we're having a pack meeting about the rogues and Mason is going to introduce me as his mate and future Luna.

I can't wait for the dirty looks to stop. Everyone at school has been giving me dirty looks since that Saturday at the diner. I've been ignoring them because they aren't worth the effort of picking a fight.

Mason steps into the room. Today I got ready in the spare room but usually I stay in Mason's room.

It's going to be difficult when I move back home.

"You look breathe taking today." Mason says. I blush. He's always telling that I look beautiful or pretty. Even when I just wake up in the morning. And the scary part is that I believe him.

"Thank you." I'm wearing a chevron teal and white maxi dress. I paired it with a jean jacket and a pair of cute wedges.

"Are you read to go soon?" Mason asks. He's wearing cargo shorts and a new t-shirt I got him with his hiking sandals. He's got his sunglasses sitting on his head. 

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