Chapter Nine

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Mason's POV

"Just wait a minute. Axel went up to get her blanket."

"She has a blanket?" I ask thinking of a baby blanket.

"Yes, it's a cheeta print fleece. She's had it for awhile now. It's impossible to lose because it's hot pink."

"Are we talking about a full sized blanket?"

"Queen size. My wife had it when we got married. It got put in the closet until one day Haleigh was 8 and playing hide and seek with the boys, she found it in the closet. She's kept that thing on her bed ever since. She always sleeps with it." Mr. White tells me.

Axel appears with the 'blanket'. He treats the blanket like a holy item. 

"Thanks." I take it and tuck it in the back with her bags.

"We'll talk tomorrow. The trackers are here." Mr. White says. I nod.

Haleigh is passed out and doesn't hear me open the door or climb in.

At least she's not in any pain. Hopefully she can sleep more than she did this afternoon.

Dad is waiting for us the minute I pull into the driveway.

"How long has she been asleep?"

"Right before we left. Her meds kicked in and she was out." I tell him. I take Haleigh up to the spare bedroom.

Mom had it all set up for her and ready to go.

I carefully lay her down and tuck her in. I grab the pink blanket and lay it on top of her. Dad sets her bags down at the end of the bed.

I leave the door partially open but only enough for a sliver of light to get in. I follow dad to his office and find mom on the phone.

"Oh Mason. Thank god you two are okay." Mom says as she hugs me. Dad sits down and I tell him everything from being at the nursery to coming home and dealing with this.

"I don't get it, why would anybody want to do this to Haleigh? She's such a sweetheart and she's always volunteering for everything. She got some great recommendation letters." Mom says.

"We don't know. But we'll find out. Now about Charlie and April. Mrs. Reid can't take care of them full time. She's too old and she's not well enough to take them on full time. She needs helps just getting around herself."

"I know. But Wendy can't keep them."

"Which is why your mother and I would like to adopt them." Dad says surprising me.

I'm stunned. I know mom always wanted to have another child but couldn't. I didn't think they would ever adopt though.

Mom is waiting for my reaction. I know it would make her happy to have more kids. I feel like she got to miss out on a lot of the things that the pack moms were always talking about because she only had me.

"Are you serious?" I ask them.

"Yes we are. Oh Mason we love you but we always wanted to have more kids and Charlie and April deserve a good home with loving parents and a big brother." Mom says. I smile at her.

"I think Charlie and April are going to be two lucky kids to have you guys as parents." I say.

"Oh honey, thank you. I wanted to make sure that you were okay with this. After all you will always be my baby."

"Of course I'm okay with it. Besides I have Haleigh to focus on. Taking care of her is my number one."

"We understand that. We're so proud of you and Haleigh. You guys are going to be amazing together."

"Thank you guys. I know you guys are going to have fun with Charlie and April."

"Right. We're starting over again."

"How are you going to deal with Wendy? I mean they are her children."

"She's in jail. She went to a nieghboring town and got locked up. The Alpha called and I couldn't talk him out of processing her. She's going to jail. Your mom and I have go down at some point and get her to sign the papers. If she doesn't, we'll go to the judge. We've already talked to Mrs. Ried. She agreed to let us take custody of the kids."

"It's going to be better for them."

"It will be. And how's Haleigh's arm?"

"She was in a lot of pain earlier. She took a pain killer before we left her dad's house." I tell them.

"Oh I wish we could help her. I hate seeing her like this in pain."

"Me either but until she can shift, I can't do anything other than help her out as much as possible."

"Right and Lydia didn't shift until after she had Axel. It was just the way her wolf liked it."

"Well hopefully it isn't like that with us."

"You'd be surprised. Haleigh can protect herself pretty well." Dad says.


"She's the one who teaches the little kids how to defend themselves at meetings or at the pack house. She's been teaching them for awhile now."

"That's awesome. I don't want her to feel defenseless."

"And she won't. But it's getting late and you need sleep." Mom says.

"Right. Have a good night." I walk out and go up to my room. As much as I want to be in the spare room with Haleigh, I know that we need to get to know each other more before we can mate or before she's even comfortable with me being in her personal space.

I strip down to my boxers and climb into my bed.

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