Chapter Ten

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Haleigh's POV

I woke up in a room alone. Probably in the spare room that Mason was talking about earlier. I wonder where Mason is. 

I get up and wonder out of the room with my blanket wrapped around me. I go down the hallway to Mason's room. I know it's his room because it smells just like him. 

I open the door quietly and sneak inside. His alarm clock says 1:30 in the morning. No wonder I'm tired. I tip toe over to Mason's bed. I lift the covers and slide into bed next to him. 

Even in his sleep, he turns and cuddles up with me. I feel safe in his arms. I love this. 

I snuggle into him and fall back asleep. 

The sun is peeking through the shades in Mason's room, I can feel his fingers trailing down my back. 

I turn my head and look up at him. 

"Hi." I whisper. I really love this. It's so initmate.

"Hey princess. Did you sleep alright?" He asks me. 

"Yeah, better when I crawled into bed with you." I tell him. The smile that crosses his face melts my heart into a puddle. 

"Yes. It was surprising finding you in here this morning. I thought I was being a gentleman by crawling into my own bed."

"I suppose you were but I couldn't stand being away from you. Sorry."

"Hey, you don't have to apologize for anything. I'm happy that you're comfortable sleeping with me." Mason kisses my nose making me giggle. 

"I love your laugh." He says to me. 

"Why? It's goofy and I hate it." 

"I love it. I love it when you smile  too. You can light up a whole room. It let's me know that you're happy. Means I'm doing something right."

"Mr. Alpha, you're getting all mushy on me."

"Only for you Haleigh. I promise. So my parents are going to adopt Charlie and April."

"WHAT? Oh my god. That's amazing. What about Wendy?"

"She's in jail. She crossed pack lines and got caught doing something illegal. Dad can't get her out of jail. He has to respect the other Alpha. Else he could risk starting a war with them. He won't stop them. Dad talked to Mrs. Ried. She understands what is going on with Wendy  and she's excited  that April and Charlie will have a real home. They're goint to talk to Wendy this morning and then dad is taking mom shopping."

"This is good for April and Charlie. They haven't had a stable home since they were born. When Max was with Wendy, they seemed like they were going to be great parents together. But then Max left, Wendy seemed okay until she had the twins. Then she just gave up."

"Raising twins on her own must have been tough." Mason says playing with my hair. 

"She could have asked for help. If I had twins by myself, I would have asked for a lot of help." Mason growls. Not at me but more of the thought of me being alone with twin newborns. Spefically our kids. 

"You'll never be alone. I promise. I'll be there to help you out every step of the way. And when we decide to have kids, we will have family who will be there us. I mean our kids will have 14 aunts and uncles."

"They'll never get away with anything. I know Branden and Zeta are getting excited. Branden's preparing for how spoiled this baby is going to be."

"I'm suprised that more of your brothers don't have kids."

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