Chapter Eighteen

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Haliegh's POV

The next morning I got up before Mason. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. 

I change into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top and then wonder downstairs. 

I find Ellie in the kitchen leaning against the counter. 

"Good morning Haliegh." 

"Morning Mrs. Chilson."

"Is Mason still sleeping?" I nod. 

"Well so is Shea. Like father like son. How about you help me start on breakfast? You must be starving."

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright. I thought about making pancakes and bacon."

"That seems to be Mason's favorite. He ordered it yesterday."

"Yeah it is. Did you guys talk about yesterday at all?" Ellie asks me. 

"Yeah he apologized a lot last night. But I told he that he has to earn back my trust and that I won't be going to the diner on Saturday mornings with him. He can if he wants to but I won't."

"That's good. Mason needs to realize that his priorities have to change now. Especially since you went into heat last night." Ellie tells me. I whip around  and start at her. 

"Shea could smell it yesterday when we came home from the mall. He didn't want to say anything until you and Mason figured out what you were going to do."

"Oh. So you know than."

"Yes but Shea and I went furniture shopping for a while last night. We wanted to leave you guys alone."

"Thank you. I think I might have died if I knew you guys were here. Oh god Mason and I weren't even thinking." I shake my head. I really hope this isn't what it's going to be like. Not thinking when it comes us. 

"So Charlie and April come over today. I would like to finish putting together their room before they come over." Ellie says to me. 

"I'd love to help you today."

"Well you most certainly can as long as you take it easy with your arm."

I look down at the cast. I hate this thing already and I've only had it on for two days.

"When can I take it off? It's really annoying." I tell Ellie. She just smiles at me. 

"Two weeks. You'll have to suffer until then. Just make Mason carry everything." We laugh. 

Shea and Mason wonder down as we start to finish breakfast. Shea first. He walks over and kisses his wife.  It's pure love coursing through their veins. 

That's the kind of love that I hope Mason and I have one day. 

Mason shows up just in time to help set the table. 

"So what are the plans for today?" Mason asks me. 

"Well I was going to help finish the nursery with your mom and I do have to run home to check on the house at some point today." I tell Mason as we sit down to eat. 

"That sounds like a plan. I'll drive. Do you mind if I help dad with some paperwork this morning while you and mom work on the nursery?"

"No that's fine. Then we can go  after lunch over to my house."

"Okay. Promise me you won't over exert yourself today. I know you over did it yesterday ans were in a lot of pain because of that." Mason pleads. 

"Okay. I promise I'll try not to over do it today."

"Thank you." Mason kisses my forehead.  

We all sit and talk while we finish our breakfast. 

After breakfast, Mason volunteers to clean up the kitchen. Which is basically washing a couple pots and pans and loading the dishwasher. 

Ellie and I head upstairs to the new nursery. 

"I'm excited to have babies in the house again. Shea always wanted more children and I felt horrible that we couldn't conceive another one." Ellie says as we start to hold clothes from the laundry baskets. 

"What about you? Did you ever want more children?" I ask her. 

"Yes I did but we tried after Mason turned 5. And I did get pregnant but I miscarried twice. It was so heart breaking. It killed me to watch Shea's heart break every time. We finally decided enough was enough. We had one healthy son and we were okay with focusing on him."

"Charlie and April are lucky to have you guys as parents now. I'm sure that Wendy loved them at one point but after her mate left her, I think she got depressed and she quit caring about the twins and herself."

"It can be hard sometimes. Nobody really knows what to do when your mate just decides to leave. It would have killed me if Shea left when I was pregnant with Mason. I don't know if Mason would have made it." I shudder at the thought of Mason not being born. 

"My pregnancy with Mason was tough. I was so sick with him. Shea was always worried. But he's here and he has you now. I'm happy he found you."

"I'm trying to trust him again. I just don't know now after everything that I went through with him yesterday. I'm so afraid he'll decide one day that I'm not enough and he'll leave me."

"Oh sweetheart, it's going to take you a while but you'll get there. You have to make him earn it. To be honest Shea did the same thing. He broke my trust. I caught him with another woman. Nothing happened and she was a slut but it hurt so bad. It take awhile for the hurt to go away but you'll forgive him and trust him again in time."


"Let's finish this up and maybe find an ice pack for your arm."

"Okay." There's no worse in hiding that fact that my arm hurts from Ellie. She's the Luna. She knows everything, all the time.

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