Chapter 23

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Mason's POV

Haleigh is passed out in my, stratch that our bedroom. We have basically been living out of one room for the last month and a half. She has been handling it pretty well. She has a nack for making things organized. I think I about had a heart attack when I came home one night and she'd cleaned my desk and organized everything. I suddenly had a file folder for everything. Folders all organized in the file cabinet. Her clothes in the same dresser drawers as mine. She'd completely invaded my space and I absolutely loved it. I love having to dig through hair products and make up to get to my shaving stuff or that our bedroom smells like a rose garden. It's intoxicating just stepping into our room and I'm instantly at peace.

We're almost finished working on her dad's house which he's giving to us as a graduation present. A space just our own. Without her brothers, my parents, her dad and my new siblings that had been added to the family. Charlie and April have been keeping everyone busy. Mom and Haleigh are always running after them. Last night I think my brother and sister had drove mom and Haleigh right down to nothing. They were passed out on the couch when Dad and I came home from the pack meeting with the senoir members of our pack. Charlie and April were sitting in the playpen just smiling at dad and I as we glanced at mom and Haleigh.

Dad is currently downstairs trying to rein in his new babies. I can hear him tell Charlie to quit touching something and April is suddenly crying. I pull my shirt on and head downstairs to help with the kids. Mom is still passed out as well from last night.

"Oh my god! Don't pull your sister's hair young man. You are gonna be in a lot trouble if you keep this up." I hear dad tell Charlie as I walk into the kitchen. Dad has them set up in their high chair. April looks like she is ready to pass out in her chair. Charlie on the other hand looks like he could run a marathon.

"Mason thank god. She's about to pass out and I swear to god he got into the sugar jar somehow. I don't know how." Dad looks like he's ready to pull his hair out.

"I'll take Charlie outside and play with him, you lay down with April and catch a nap." I tell dad, grabbing little man out of his chair. The minute he's out of his confinement, he wants to be free. Pulling on my arms and leaning trying to get out of my reach.

"Okay bud, we're going." Cahrlie and I head out to the back yard.

Haleigh's POV

I stretch out and feel the cool sheets next to me. Mason must have gotten up already. I glance at the alarm clock. 3 pm.


Why the hell didn't Mason wake me up? I jump out of bed and head for the bathroom. I quickly shower and change. Thank god I got rid of the awful cast. I love having full range of my arm back.

I head downstairs, and look around. Mason's dad is passed out with April on his chest. They're both snoring. Which means Mason's mom must still be asleep after last night. Oh god last night was horrible. All we did was give the kids a cookie after dinner. And then they were everywhere. We couldn't keep up with them anymore. I didn't know what to do. So we put them in the playpen and we must have passed out on the couch because the next thing I remember was Mason and his father waking us up after their meeting. Mason ushering me up the staircase and into our room. He even had to help me get into pjs.

I hear laughter from outside. I walk over to the slide glass door and see Charlie running after Mason. I smile. Mason has changed into his wolf and Charlie running around after him. My hand falls to my stomach and I think of the exciting news that I can't wait to tell Mason about. I hope that I can hold off until graduation night when we have our celebration with all of our family members.

"That's pretty cute the way Mason is with Charlie out there." Mason's mom says from behind me.

"He's going to make a great daddy." I tell his mom. She's the only one who knows. I had to have some help trying to figure out how to suprise Mason with the news.

"Oh darling he's going to be the best dad in the world. I remember when Mason was born, he and his dad used to do the same thing in the back yard. Or he'd read Mason story books at night. There were so many nights where they read about pirates or little boys whom never grew up. She's loved those nights because they would act out the stories. I see a lot of that in Mason." I smile at the memories that Mason has with his parents.

"Have you talked to your dad lately Haleigh?"

"Yeah yesterday we stopped at the lumber yard to see him. He's excited for graduation on Friday. He said he's made sure that everyone is going to be a dinner. Including Greg and Piper. I guess Piper just started talking to Grag again. She's been staying at her parent's house because of how he was treating me. She and I had lunch last week and she apologized for the way she treated me. She was just trying get along with Greg."

"He's your brother honey. I know what he did was unforgivable but do you really want your child to know that it's mother can harbor those kind of feelings for a family member, especially an uncle. Remember they're the family that you were blessed with. We can't pick or choose them, only love them even when it seems impossible."

"No I don't which is why I told my dad yesterday that I would forgive Greg before Friday. We're supposed to have lunch tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh honey, I know it's so hard to do but you have to be the bigger person sometimes and it sucks."

"Of course. I understand that and I'm only doing it for my dad. I didn't think it was fair for him to be pulled apart by Greg and I."

"You're a sweet girl Haleigh. I'm so glad Mason got such a wonderful mate."

"Thank you." Charlie and Mason notice us watching them.

"Mama!" Charlie cries out and races toward the door. Mason shifts back to his human form and quickly gets dressed.

"Hi gorgeous. I wasn't sure when you were wanting to get up. You were so tired last night that I thought I would let you rest as long as possible." Mason tells me.

"Thank you honey." I kiss Mason's cheek.

We follow his mom into the kitchen as she settles Charlie into the high chair.

"Do you want a cookie?"  Mason's mom asks Charlie. 

Mason and I sit down and talk to his mom for a while.

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