Chapter Six

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Haleigh's POV

"Are your grandparents going to be there tonight?"

"I don't know. Grandma and Liv were working at the hardware store this morning."

Mason nods and turns to start up the driveway.

"I can pick you up on Monday for school." Mason says. 

"That sounds great. Did your mom send any of the pain kllers home for me?" 

"I think so. Let's get you home and you can eat something then take a pain killer. Does it hurt a lot?" He asks me. 

"A little. I bumped it early at work."

"Why didn't you tell me? Did you remember your sling?"

"Yeah it's in my bag."

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Nothing. Just avoiding my brothers. Because I'm sure it will be a war zone at my house tonight."

"You can come over and avoid your family at my house. We could maybe get to know each other better."

"That sounds nice."

"Cool. I'll pick you up. We'll go get breakfast and then hang out. I want you to rest your arm tomorrow."


Mason pulls up to the house. He helps me out of the SUV. 

"Looks like your entire fmaily is here." Mason points out. I nod as I look at all the cars and trucks parked everywhere. Even Aunt Carrie and Uncle Jake are here.

"You should come in." I tell Mason. He gives me a questionable look. 

"They'll love you. Come in Mason. Besides most of them are your pack members and you have to meet them at some point so why not right now." I reach for his hand with my good one. 

He sighs and nods, taking my school bag and carrying it in for me. 

We walk up to the house. 

It's noisy. The minute the front door is opened, the small crowd  can be heard. Thank god we don't have any nieghbors up here. People are everywhere. Everyone's walking around and running into each other. 

Mason's instincts kick in and he takes a protective stance in front of me. Sheiling me from the possible threat that is called my family. 

"Mason it's fine. They're my family sweetie." I whisper to him. 

"Sorry it's my wolf and I. It's just natural for us. Especially with you being injured." He informs me. I nod and kiss his cheek. 

I show him where to put my school bag and purse and then we head to the living room. 

Everyone is talking and laughing. 

My dad looks up as Mason and I walk through the doorway. 

"Hi princess." He says. Ignoring Mason completely. I can see that this is going to go so well.

"Hi daddy." I say. Everyone look up at Mason and I. 

"Good to see you Mason. I'm glad you could join us." Dad says dryly to Mason. 

"Thank you sir. I definitely wouldn't miss Haleigh's birthday. Besides I have her pain killers." He tells dad. Dad just laughs. 

"Happy 18th bithday babygirl." Dad gets up and hugs me. 

"I can't believe all my kids are 18 and mated." Dad says. Face palm to the forehead. Well that wasn't the way I wanted to tell them about Mason. But I know my dad and he's not happy that his little girl is mated.  

All my brothers turn and look at me. 

"Really? Who's the little whimp that is mated to my little sister?" Freddrick says.

Mason clutches my hand. 

"Must be a coward if he couldn't even bring her home tonight." Carlos booms. 

"Wait is he the one who broke your arm? We'll kick his ass." Diego shouts. 

I can tell Mason is getting pissed. 

"Guys quit it. My mate is a great guy." I tell them. But I get a bunch of whatevers and yeah rights. 

"Really?" I say pissed off. 

The girls know that my brothers are in for it. 

"I stood by and watched you guys get mated. I didn't complain. I didn't make jokes. I was there for you guys. I don't see why you have to act like this. Mason is going to be a great mate." I yelled at them. Tears streaming down my face. 

I turn and run up to my room before any of them say anything. 

Why do they have to be such jerks.

Mason follows me upstairs. 

"Haleigh are you okay?"

"No my brothers are jerks. Plus I hurt, my arm is burning, I'm tired." Mason pulls me into a long hug. I cry into his t-shirt. 

"How about you change into your pjs, and I'll go get your pain killers and some food? We can watch some TV and relax for the rest of the night." Mason suggests. 


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