Papa III- Lazy Day

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Request (anonymous): "Could you do a lazy day with Papa 3?"
Of course dear, seen as though there's only one person I've done a little bit of a one shot rather than a list...I hope this is ok!! :))

You're body, gradually edging towards consciousness, jerked into a large morning stretch causing your muscles to tense up before releasing and feeling any resistance sink into the mattress beneath you. You roll over to find a sleeping Terzo, his hand pressed against his cheek from under his pillow, his messy, dark hair sprawled out over the satin pillowcase and his mouth slightly agape, allowing soft snores to resonate through the air and penetrate your ears.

You smiled to yourself watching him without a concern for what the time was. You stared lovingly until he stirred and fidgeted. He smacks his lips together multiple times before rubbing his eyes clear of any eye rheum formed around them over night.

"Good morning sleepy head." You softly speak, tucking the stray hairs behind his ears as he begins.

"What time is it?" He cried in a state of panic, sitting up and reaching for the alarm clock adjacent to the bed. You quickly clutch his shoulder, cooing and hushing his worry.

"It's ok Terzo, it's your day off. No need to worry, ok? Oh my poor baby." You pull his head down into your arms, cradling him like a child and running your fingers through his thick hair. "I think a lazy day is just what you need. No work. No responsibilities. No chores. Just me and you, and a shit ton of doing nothing, yeah?" He smiles and nods from within the support of your arms.

Terzo had been extremely busy in his job, being at the point where you are transitioning from a priest to a Papa is very hard work. He was exhausted and was working himself into an early grave, skipping meals, skipping sleep, skipping anything that brought him joy...including spending time with you. You understood that this struggle was only temporary and that any efforts to aid and support him through this time would be of great help and appreciation to Terzo.

You leave him in bed propped up with a fort of pillows, bringing him a warm mug of coffee and supplying yourself with one too, sitting together in comfortable silence listening to the twittering birds perched outside the window.

"I hate to be so much of a burden on you and your day, cara mia." He mumbled, sipping on and wincing at the heat of the coffee.

"Don't be silly Terzo. We're going to have a lovely day, come." You lead him into the living area, the large sofa prepped with masses of blankets and pillows as well as the coffee table packed with all of his favourite snacks and treats. The pair of you settle together, nuzzling into each other's sides as you feel the warmth of his soft skin around his arm drape over your body. "This is a Netflix only day ok? No chill." You teased.

"But chill is the best part tesoro!" He whines. The movie that was lazily chosen after flicking through the choice for what felt like eternity played in the background as you looked up at Terzo. "Bellissimo." He whispers in a gritty voice as his thumb brushed over your cheek, admiring your face. He pulls you closer, latching onto your lips that were yearning for his touch. You sloppily kissed each other for a while, his hands guiding your face.

The pair of you lounged around on the sofa all day, eating your body weight in junk food. Neither of you moved a muscle until you had prepared a bubble bath for the both of you to enjoy and finish your day together with.

The heat of the water against his exposed skin made Terzo sigh with relief and relaxation, closing his eyes in the feeling of bliss. You swim towards where he was perched, laying on top of him and feeling his exposed features beneath your body. You rest your head on his shoulder as you bathed together cuddled up like penguins.

"We need to do this more often. I miss being with you bella. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Terzo. Our time away is only bringing us closer."

"After the next few years, we can move away from the ministry, we can start a new life together. We can have a lazy life, si?" This made you giggle.

And he was right, being Papa comes at a great cost, especially the strain and hold it puts on your relationships. And today mightn't have been much, you didn't move, you didn't achieve anything, hell you barely even spoke to each other. But you could already see the life in his eyes return, he looked happy. Just by being in each other's company. This was the greatest achievement. You just wished you could see him like this more often...soon.

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