Potty Training Chart

903 10 13

A/n: Thinking about my old omo book, I miss all those half written tumblr prompt drafts 😔

sawyer4732 thanks for requesting! :)

"Daddy look!" Roman shouted, jumping up to greet Patton, a piece of folded construction paper in his hand.

"Awe, Kiddo, what is this?" Patton asked, his heart about to burst out from his chest.

"I made you a card" Roman mumbled, the floor suddenly becoming very interesting.

Patton looked at the card, and panicked for a second, thinking that Remus had gotten to him, before relaxing when he opened it up. The front said 'You remind me of my hoe" and the inside had an 'm'

"Awe, kiddo! This is so sweet! Thank you." Patton exclaimed as he read the contents of the cards and looked at the 5000 hearts drawn inside.

"You're welcome daddy.." Roman mumbled shyly, bouncing up and down slightly and crossing his legs.

"Daddy" he whined after a moment, "Daddy I hafta go potty!"

"Oh of course! C'mon, let's go!" Patton said quickly, taking his little's hand. If Roman said he had to go, then he had to go. Like, yesterday.

"It's coming out" he whimpered, his feet pattering quickly across the floor as he made his way to the bathroom.

Patton quickly threw the door open and turner the light on while Roman yanked his pants down and sat on the toilet, already going heavily before he even fully got himself situated.

Patton sighed in relief, leaning against the sink. Roman would a hundred percent need new underwear, but at least his pants were saved.

"Good job buddy!" Patton chirped as Roman stood up and flushed the toilet, "now let's wash your hands and get some lunch ready!"


"Remus?" Janus asked skeptically, his hands on his hips, "what did you do?"

Remus didn't respond, just looked down with a blush on his face as he lost control and began to wet himself.

Roman looked at his twin in concern, "Wemus? Are you okay?"

Remus whimpered as he lost his bladder and began to wet all over his pants, creating a puddle on the floor.

Janus gasped, "Remus! Why didn't you tell me you had to go to the bathroom?"

Remus's eyes filled with tears as he burst into sobs, "I-I wanted to play with Roro! I thought I could hold it!" He wailed, covering his face as he continued to make a mess.

"Hey—hey, don't cry, come here—how about we get you cleaned up, okay? Then you can come right back and finish playing alright?" Janus asked, cooing softly in an attempt to soothe his distressed little.

Remus sniffled and nodded as Janus helped him stand up and make his way to the bathroom.

"Awe bless his heart" Patton mumbled as Remus walked by in wet pants and tears on his face.

He played with Roman until Remus came back, now unphased by the entire thing. He forgot about it shortly after a horror movie was promised.

Janus walked back with the wet pants and underwear in hand to wash out in the sink and then throw into the washing machine with a load of clothes, "This bathroom situation is only getting worse for the both of them" he commented, motioning for Patton to follow, "I think that it would be wise to invest in a potty training chart, or something along the lines."

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