Chapter 1

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I woke up sweating because of a nightmare. I mentally cursed myself for being such a wuss and having nightmares while I was literally 18, although I knew it wasn't my fault.

I cursed under my breath when I saw it was just 5 am. I sighed and rolled out of bed, walking into the kitchen for coffee.

I hummed a lullaby that suddenly came to mind. After five seconds or so I realized it was the song I used to sing Max when she was younger. I smiled sadly at the thought of my younger sister. I missed her a lot.

I shook of the sad memories and grabbed myself a bowl, milk and some cereal.

While eating my scrawny breakfast and drinking coffee, I read an assignment I had made the night before through, looking for mistakes.

After finding and correcting way too much mistakes, I was finally done. I quickly finished my breakfast and went to my room to get dressed.

After about three minutes of standing before my closet trying to think of what to wear, I settled onto some low rise denim jeans and a black crop top with a skull on it. I applied some slight eyeliner and mascara, put on my rings, ruffled my hand through my short ginger hair and walked out of my room.

I checked the time and after realizing there was plenty of time left before school started, I decided to drive through town to clear my mind before school.

I grabbed my backpack, my car keys, a pack of cigarettes and my lighter and went outside to my car.

I opened my car door and got in, lighting a cigarette.

With the half lit cigarette in my mouth, I searched through the the albums that were always in my car.

I found a mix with my favorite songs on it and pushed it into the player while starting my car.

I pulled out of my parking spot and sang along to the first song that came on.

I drove on the empty roads living my best life; singing along to my favorite songs loudly, a cigarette in my mouth.

After about three rounds through the city, I decided it was time to get to school.

My friends would most likely already be there, Nancy and Steve probably snogging with an awkward Robin somewhere close.

Pulling up the school parking lot, I saw I was right. Steve and Nancy were making out in Steve's car and Robin sat under a tree near.

I laughed and walked over to Steve's car, knocking on the window. "Watch out for pervs, man. They might be taking pictures." I said, jokingly referring to the Johnathan Byers thing that happened last year.

Steve gave me a middle finger that I gladly returned. While they went back to snogging, I invited Robin into my car for a chat before school started.


About ten minutes before school started, a car honk and loud music sounded outside. Robin and I made eye contact before stepping out of my car.

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