Chapter 5

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I followed her with my eyes until she was out of sight. I looked back to the buildings on the other side of the street. Suddenly, I dropped my cigarette on the ground and pushed myself away from the wall.

I walked to my van, that was parked a few blocks away. While walking, I was deep in thoughts about Sam. I don't know what surprised me more, her apologizing to me AGAIN or the fact that she told me I was 'pretty okay'.

I reached my van and stepped in it. I really had to get her out of my head. She would never be interested in me, and besides, her and Steve were apparently a thing. She told him she loved him and all, and they seemed really close.

"But she's happy, and that's what counts." I muttered before pressing the gas hard and driving to my house.


About a week after I saw Sam outside the arcade, I caught myself looking at her again. I decided to make a bold move and find out if she really was dating Steve. "Hey Henderson." I said.

Dustin looked up from talking with Mike. "Yeah?"

I pointed at where Sam and here friends were sitting. "You know Harrington, right?" I asked. 

The two boys shared a confused look. "Yeah I do, why?" Dustin said.

"Do you know if he's dating anyone?" I asked.

Dustin and Mike shared another dumbfounded look. "Are you... You know..." Dustin started. 

Now it was my turn to look at him as if he was crazy. "What?! No! No, you got me wrong. I'm asking because there's this girl and I think she's dating Steve, I'm just not sure." I explained.

Dustin shook his head. "Nah, Steve's single as fuck. I don't get why because he has great hai-" I cut him off.

"Thank you very much, Henderson." I said before walking over to Sam and her friends.


"...Yeah and then she just said I was bullshit!" Steve said.

I whistled. "Having girl problems huh?" I said.

Steve massaged his temples. "Yes actually, my girlfriend called me bullshit a few days ago and then she broke up with me yesterday." He said.

I clicked my tongue. "I'm sorry man, that's a real bummer." I said.

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, you can say that for sure."

Sam pulled everyone's attention to her. "I warned you about getting back with her, Harrington. You never listen to me and this is your payback." She said.

Steve dropped his head on the table. "Oh walk to hell Samantha." He said.

Sam slapped his head. "What did I say about calling me Samantha!" She said.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. I looked at Robin and could see her silently laughing behind her hand. We locked eyes and I almost let my laugh slip. 

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن