Chapter 21

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I knocked on my mum's door. "Coming!" She shouted from inside.

I took a small step back and waited. When the door opened I put on a friendly smile. "Hi mum, how are you?" I asked.

She smiled at me. "I'm great, how are you? Come in." She said.

I walked past her into the house. "I'm good, life's been pretty good lately." I said.

My mum smiled again. "That's amazing. Do you want something to drink?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes please, do you have a beer?" I asked.

She frowned. "Yes, but you are a minor." She said.

I chuckled slightly and ran a hand through my hair. "Mum, I've been drinking since I was 16, at least. Just get me a beer please." I said.

My mom shook her head but walked to the fridge nevertheless. "So Sam, how do you like living on your own?" She asked, walking up to me with a can of beer in her hand.

I took the beer from her and opened it, taking a sip. "I like it a lot, it's quiet and I never have to wait to use the bathroom." I joked.

We both laughed a bit before I continued. "It's a bit lonely at times, though. I think this'll be a nice change of things." I said with a smile.

My mother agreed. "I think so too. On a whole other note, I'm happy you're here. I missed you Sam, we all did. Even Billy, although you know he'd never admit it. It's just not the same without you." She said, sorrow obvious in her expression.

I pursed my lips. "I made my decision of moving out with a good reason. I didn't do it to hurt you, in fact, I did it to prevent you guys from getting hurt. Its all in the past now and I will not move back in. The past three years I've lived here on my own were the happiest of my life, and I want to keep it that way." I said sternly, picking up on my mother's intentions of guilt tripping me into moving back in.

My mother sighed and let her head hang. "I know Sam, I just miss you so much." She said.

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling that I left my family alone. "I know mum, but I'm not gonna risk it. I just can't. I'm sorry." I said.

She took a deep breath. "It's okay. You have your reasons and I respect those, and I'm happy you want to stay over." She said with a small smile.

I smiled weakly. "Of course mum. Do you need help making dinner? I got even better at cooking." I said, wiggling my eyebrows jokingly.

My mom laughed. "That'd be amazing, but I'll show you to your room first." She said, gesturing for me to follow her up the stairs.

I walked behind her with my bag in hand, inspecting the interior of the house.

It was quite a nice house, although nothing like our old house. When we were in the corridor upstairs, a door flew open and I was tackled with a hug.

Only one person here would do that. "Max! Hey Sweetheart, how are you?" I said, hugging her back.

She pulled away a bit. "I missed you Sam, but I'm good." She said with a smile.

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