Chapter 19

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A/n: Dear readers, I have a few things to say; 1. I wanted to say thanks for all the support (comments, reads, votes, etc.), y'all are fucking amazing. 2. I wanted to give a shout out to a-Maze-ing_newtella for telling me about a song that she thought fitted Sam and Eddie good. (I love the song girlie) It's called Cigarettes & Feelings by the Haunt, I highly agree so go check it out. 3. I do not always agree with what I make my characters say! 4. Please don't stop commenting, I love getting comments from you guys!

-love, Author


(It's about a week after the last chapter)


I laughed. "If you do that, she'll definitely run away Dude." I said, shaking my head at Steve's idiocy.

He whined. "Then give me real advise instead of laughing at me!" He said.

I gave him a smirk. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, I don't have time. I have to go to practice the drums." I said, walking off to find Eddie, twirling my keys in my hand.

Steve ran to catch up with me. "Sometimes I don't like you Sam." He said.

I patted his shoulder sympathetically. "Same here Harrington, same here." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'll just freestyle it." He said.

I laughed. "Good luck!" I called after him.

I shook my head and continued walking towards the room Eddie did his Hellfire meetings in.

As expected, he was there, sitting with his friends just simply talking. I walked through the door, pulling my wide black jeans further up my waist. "Hey Babe." I said, simply ignoring his friends.

Gareth scoffed. "Hello to you too, Sam." He said.

I flipped him off, I always tried not to be mean to Eddie's friends because they are his friends, but I still preferred to interact as little as possible. People were just annoying.

Eddie stood up and kissed me. "Hi Darling. What's up?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing much, just wanted to swing by. I have practice in a bit but you know you're always welcome." I said, offering a smile.

Eddie was about to answer when Gareth spoke up again. "You have practice? I thought you stopped taking that since a year after you moved here?" He said.

I pursed my lips, keeping myself from saying something mean. "Well, I did, but I still have to play of course, practice means I'm literally just drumming songs I don't know yet for a few hours straight." I explained.

Gareth shrugged. "Makes sense I guess." He said.

I flashed a smile. "I know, I gotta go now. I'll come to yours tonight?" I directed at Eddie.

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