Chapter 20

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I was talking to Gareth and Jeff when two hands covered my eyes. "Guess who?" A familiar voice sounded.

I turned around with a smile. "Hello Love." I said.

She smiled back. "Hi. Can I talk to you for a sec?" She asked.

I frowned, worried about her. "Yeah, of course. I'll be right back guys." I said, directing the last sentence to my friends.

She walked to a corner and I followed her. When she stopped walking I grabbed her hands in mine. "Are you alright Baby? What's wrong?" I asked, concern obvious in my voice.

She gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, I just wanted to ask your opinion on something." She said.

I relaxed. "Okay, I'm glad you're okay. What did you wanna ask." I said with a relieved smile.

She squeezed my hand. "My mom asked me to stay over at the house for two weeks. I said I'd call her back with an answer, because I didn't know. So I thought I'd ask you for your opinion. I'm sorry, it's kinda stupid to ask." She said, staring at her hands nervously.

I released her hands and put a finger under her chin to make her look up at me. "Stupid questions don't exist my love. And how about you list the pros and cons to help make a decision?" I said.

She nodded, happy with the solution. "Okay. So pros first. Pro 1: I'll be able to spend time with Max, I've barely seen her since I left California. Pro 2: I'll be able to bond with my mom a bit. Pro 3: I'll be able to annoy Billy like before I moved. That brings up con 1; my step-father will be there and he's a dick. Con 2 is probably the one that holds me back the most; it'll bring back bad memories and I'm afraid it'll go wrong again." She said.

I smiled at her. "You have more pros than cons, and I think the pros make it worth it. You can always leave if you want to. And I'd like to add another pro; we'll be able to experience what sneaking around is like." I said, whispering the last bit in her ear.

She laughed and swatted me away, a small blush on her cheeks. "Flirt. Thank you for helping though." She said, pecking my lips with a smile.

I smiled and pulled her against me by her waist. "Anytime Sweetheart. I love you." I said.

She rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you too Eds." She mumbled into my shirt.

She pulled away. "I'll go call my mom. Can you drive me to my house after school?" She asked.

I nodded, we had come with my van today as she stayed over again. "Sure thing love. You want me to drive you there as well?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, I'll take my own car. I wanna be able to go do things with Max without having to bother you." She said.

I smiled. "Okay, but I'd always to it for you with love, okay?" I said.

She nodded. "Okay. See you after school." She said, walking away.

I waved at her. "See you Love." I said.

I walked back to my friends, who looked at me expectantly. "What'd she wanna talk about?" Jeff asked.

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