Chapter 7

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It was the Monday after we went camping, and I hadn't spoken to Eddie ever since I kissed him. As the straightforward person I am, I did try, he just walked away without saying a word every time.

"I know I shouldn't have done it, I mean he has this girl he likes, but I was drunk and caught up in the moment. Ugh I'm so stupid! He won't even talk to me now!" I ranted to Max while I lied on my bed.

She nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get it. That must suck." She said.

I made a small noise. "Yeah, it does." I said.

Just when Max was about to say something, my phone started ringing. "Hold on, I'll just tell them to call me back," I told Max. "Hi, this is Samantha, who's this?"

I frowned when I heard Steve's voice. When I heard what he told me, I hurriedly shooed Max away. She walked out of my room with a look that told me she thought I was crazy on her face.

"So Dustin found a slug in his trash and kept it as a pet? And then it grew a lot and it ate his cat? When Dustin found out, he locked it in his storm cellar and called you to kill it, but it escaped? And now you want me to come to the junkyard to help? You gotta be bullshitting me man. Don't joke about that stuff, Harrington." I said.

I heard the phone being snatched and suddenly Dustin was talking to me. "Listen, I know this sounds crazy, but its true. You need to get here, stat." Dustin said.

I started getting frustrated at this point. "I can't, I'm with my sister." I said.

"Who? Max? Oh, she knows about all the crazy shit, you can take her with you if you want." Dustin said.

I sat up straight. "Who the fuck told her? Imma kick some ass, seriously! But I'll be there in 20. See you." I said, hanging up.

I barged through the door. "I can drop you off or you can wait for Billy, what do you want?" I asked Max.

Max didn't even think, answering while she grabbed her jacket. "Billy has a date, drop me off please." She said.

I smiled at her. "As you wish ma'am." I joked.

We walked out to my Chevrolet Corvette and got in, driving to Max's house.

I quickly dropped her off before I pressed the gas hard, my car speeding away with screeching tires. 

When I got to the junkyard and pulled over, I saw Dustin signing for me to come closer. I did so and saw Steve with him. I sighed. "Okay so we're gonna fight this big bad demogorgon with just us three? No thanks, I choose life." I said.

Dustin stopped me. "Please stay, Sam. Lucas will be here any second, I'm sure." He said.

I thought about it before caving. "Alright, but do you guys have some money for me?" I asked.

Steve looked at me weirdly. "What, you wanna fight off dart with coins? Good luck with that." He said, snickering.

I rolled my eyes. "No, Harrington. Some people DO have a social life, and I need to make a call in case I die because you guys are so fucking stupid!" I spat.

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin