Chapter 4

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After my meltdown, I drove home, skipping school for the rest of the day.

Once I got home, I immediately went to my room and put on my favorite song, I sat down behind my drums and started playing along, crying while doing so.

After a little while, my tears dried and I put my emotions into drumming.

I always had been into drumming, I started taking lessons when I was ten and here we were, eight years later and I got pretty good.

I sang too, but I was a bit insecure about my voice so I didn't do it often.

As I was blasting music, I didn't hear someone was knocking on my door until the knocking turned into pounding.

I stood up confused, drumsticks still in my hand. I opened the door to see Eddie. "Munson? What're you doing here? And why is your jaw all bruised?" I asked, quickly wiping my tears with the hand that held the drumsticks.

Eddie saw the drumsticks in my hand. "You play drums?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I do." I said

He smiled. "Cool, I play guitar."

"But why are you here? And how did that happen?" I asked.

He looked down at his feet before meeting my eyes again. "I wanted to, uh, check up on you after, you know..." He said, trailing off.

I furrowed my brows. "Why would you want to do that? We're not friends and I'm not really nice to you. No offense, by the way, I just don't like people." I said.

Eddie shrugged, and quickly changed the subject. "Hey, is that Metallica?" He asked, referring to the music that was still playing.

"Yeah, Jump In The Fire." I said.

He smiled again. "I love that song."

"Yeah it's good." I said, kind of confused to why he was still at my doorstep.

"Do you need something? And why is your face bruised?" I asked.

Now Eddie looked confused. "Uh, no? And it's nothing." He said.

I sighed. "Oh. Then why are you still here?" I asked.

The boy looked perplexed. "Excuse me? I just skipped three periods and drove through the whole town to check up on you, and now you're just, what, sending me away?!" He snapped.

Right after that, he immediately clasped his hand over his mouth and started apologizing.

I just grinned and opened the door completely. I liked people that spoke up for themselves better than the ones who didn't, and he did have a point. Besides, I was bored anyway. "That's more like it, Munson."

Eddie stood outside confused as I walked into my house. I turned around. "Are you coming in or what?" I asked him, and he quickly stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

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