Chapter 10

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I woke up, feeling like absolute shit.

I groaned, furrowing my eyebrows. My whole body felt numb, I couldn't find energy to move, but talking couldn't ever be a problem for me. "Holy mother of God, why the hell do I feel like I died 5 times?" I didn't even ask anyone in particular, I had no idea if there even was someone with me, wherever I was.

Someone chuckled, but I could hear tears straining the sound. "Even now you keep joking." The person said.

I became aware that the person was holding my hand. Not that I minded, and even if I did I literally couldn't move. "Well, I quite frankly can't move or even open my eyes, so joking is about the only sense of freedom I have right now." I said.

The person chuckled again, but this time a quiet sob followed. "Jesus H Christ Sam, don't ever scare me like that again." They said.

I only knew only one person who said 'Jesus H Christ'. "Eddie?" I asked, struggling trying to open my eyes.

The person wiped the hair from my forehead. "Mhm, I'm here." He said.

I smiled weakly. "Okay, that's nice. But seriously why do I feel like I died 5 times?" I asked.

Eddie paused. "Uh, I don't think it's my place to tell you that." He said.

I sighed. "Eddie, what day is it?" I asked.


"The date. What date is it?" I asked again.

Eddie thought for a second. "It's the 27th, I think?" He said.

I thought for a second before scoffing. "Eddie, I've been out for what, 4 days? And yet here you are. I think it's very much your place to tell me that." I said

Eddie was quiet for a bit before standing up. "Alright, but I'll call everyone to say you're awake first." He said.


After he called everyone, he sat down next to my bed again. While he was busy, I had managed to open my eyes, and I could move my fingers now, so there was progress.

I chuckled a bit. Eddie looked at me in confusion. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I smiled at him. "Are you gonna join me or what?" I asked.

He frowned. "I'm sorry, what do you mean?" He asked.

I laughed at his awkwardness. "For fucks sake, you've been sitting her for 4 days without a blink of sleep. If you gently push me -watch out for my side- you can squeeze in." I said.

Eddie still looked skeptical. "Are you sure that's okay with yo-" I cut him off.

"Eddie!" I said, laughing.

He smiled at me with a cute blush on his cheeks. "Sorry." He said, gently pushing me to the edge of my bed.

He sat down beside me, leaning against my pillow. "Fuck I'm tired." He said, chuckling.

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now