Chapter 33

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A/N: When I tell you I completely forgot about this story. Holy shit, it's been over half a year since the last update. I'm so sorry, it's been a very hectic time for me with my exams and I was in the (mental) hospital for a while, I just couldn't update. But I'm back with another part because even now people are still reading this junk? I want to specifically apologize to all the people I told id update soon bc well yeah its been like 7 months😭


I rubbed my eyes as I slowly woke up from a restless sleep. Checking my watch, I saw that it was only 6 a.m.

I decided to get out of bed nevertheless and got dressed in boot cut jeans and a misfits band tee.

Walking out of my bed room, I sighed harshly as I remembered the events of the past days.

I sat down at my dinner table with a bowl of cereal in front of me, spooning the food into my mouth absently.

As I chewed on the cheerios, my mind was racing. I thought about Eddie and Percy, internally hitting myself for my stupidity.

I felt like shit knowing how I made Eddie feel, and I knew that is was all my fault and no one but me was to blame for this situation.

Had I just told Eddie what happened with Percy when it happened, stuff wouldn't have gone down like this.

I groaned and let my head fall onto my arm. Resting it there, I wallowed in self disgust for a while.

When I finally pulled myself together again, I put my now empty bowl in the sink and sighed, looking down at it.

Pushing down the urge to break something, I grabbed my drumsticks and sat down behind my drumset.

I played a few random beats until my hands almost automatically started playing one of my favorite songs: Devil's attack by Sodom.

After a little while I let out a heavy sigh and stood up from behind my drums.

Walking to the door, I grabbed my leather jacket, shrugging it on and fiddling in the pockets, feeling around for my keys.

I stepped into my car, keys in hand and an annoyed look on my face. Today was gonna be a hard day, I could feel that I was gonna take my pain and anger out on someone that did not have anything to do with it.

Driving to school, music blasted in my car, louder than ever. I noticed my car picking up speed and the turns I took got sharper and sharper.

I knew I had to slow down or something bad would happen. But I didn't, continuing to race down the roads of Hawkins.


I pulled into the Hawkins High's parking lot, finally slowing my car down. I parked my car and got out, locking the doors.

Looking around with a grimace on my face, I spotted Steve standing next to Robin. Taking a deep breath to calm myself down, I made my way over to them.

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin