Chapter 31

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I put my pen down, sighing in frustration. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face. "Fuck." I whispered.

This math test really was impossible. I looked over at Sam, seeing her struggling as well.

I ripped a piece of paper from the test sheet and scribbled a note on it. It read 'Skip?'.

I slid it on her desk smoothly. She picked it up and read it, looking up at me and nodding her head slightly.

She wrote something on the paper and handed it back to me. 'Sure. Toilet by the science hallway?' I nodded and she grinned at me slightly, raising her hand.

Our math teacher looked over at Sam. "Yes, miss Mayfield?" He said.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Can I go to the toilet sir?" When she saw he hesitated, she shot me an almost unnoticeable smirk. "It's a girl problem." She added.

The teacher went a bit pale. "Oh of course, off you go." He said.

She mumbled a thanks and stood up, grabbing her bag and walking to the door.

Because the teacher had his back turned to her, she pulled a funny face, sticking her tongue out, crossing her eyes over and making devil horns with her fingers.

The class muffled a laugh, realizing it wasn't 'girl problems' at all. I grabbed a little tube of fake blood from my bag, that I had for situations like this.

When the teacher wasn't looking, I put a little under my nose, making it look like I had a bloody nose.

I put the tube away and punched my nose, raising my hand. "Sir, can I go get a piece of paper from the toilets? My nose is bleeding." I said, my voice screwed up because of me pinching it.

The teacher nodded. "Of course, but be fast Mister Munson." He said.

I smiled and got up, hoisting my bag up my shoulder while still pinching my nose. "Of course Sir." I said, walking through the door.

Once in the hallway, I wiped my nose with the back of my hand and smirked to myself, walking to the science hallway.


Once there, I walked to the toilets, opening the door and stepping in. "Hey Ba-" I started cheerfully, just to cut myself off at the scene in front of me.

Sam was kissing Percy, her best friend. Perfect Percy, the tall, black haired guy that so many girls would kill for. The guy she told me not to worry about.

I looked at them, my mouth still slightly opened, eyes full of heartbreak. "Sam..?" I asked, my voice breaking up.

Sam, who had already jerked away from Percy as soon as I walked in, was looking at me with pure panic radiating off of her. "Babe I promise its not what it looks like, please listen to m-" She said, but I cut her off.

Tears started to well in my eyes. "Don't call me that. And don't bother trying to explain, I saw what I saw. Go back to snogging perfect Percy." I said, turning and walking away.

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now