Chapter 3

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I woke up in agonizing pain, my head pounding and my stomach absolutely NOT happy with the amount of alcohol I digested yesterday.

Was it yesterday? I checked my clock. Yeah, yesterday.

I looked around and saw a glass of water and painkillers on my bedside table.

I shook my head at Steve's obvious mum attitude. I sat up, groaning in pain and quickly swallowed a few pills, washing them away with the water.

I got out of bed and changed into some sweatpants and a hoodie that I stole from Steve a while back.

I walked to the kitchen and made coffee. While the coffee was brewing, I got myself some cereal to eat.

Before I could take even one bite, I felt the urge to throw up. I ran to my toilet and threw up a few times, cursing loudly between the retching.

When I was done, I walked back to the kitchen table, cursing my body for making me barf like that.

My coffee was done and I drank it black, needing as much caffeine as possible.


When I got to school, my hangover was pretty much gone and I was very hyper for my doing, as I was usually very chill.

Robin was already at school when I got there and she was very surprised at how hyper I was, until she figured I had drank A LOT of coffee.

When Billy and Steve got to school they were both also very confused at my enthusiast greeting, as I usually just ignored them.

"Caffeine rush, she'll probably crash in a bit." Robin explained.

Steve and Billy 'oh'd and we walked to our first class.

My caffeine filled brain hadn't even realized it before, and as soon as I did I asked. "Where's Wheeler?"

"She's sick." Steve said

I scoffed. "I am at school with a pounding head, agonizing stomach ache, a massive hangover and deep into a caffeine rush, and she skips? Pfff, pussy." I said.

Billy snorted, earning a glare from both Steve and Robin, quickly shutting him up.

Robin suddenly realized something. "Sam, how do you even have a stomach ache?" She asked.

I thought a bit before shrugging. "I dunno. Think I didn't eat enough yesterday and I drank a shit load of alcohol." I said, lighting a cigarette.

Billy laughed. "Fair enough." He said.

"Yeah." Robin said, agreeing.

"You know, you should really stop forgetting to eat." Steve said.

I rolled my eyes. "Harrington. No. You're asking me to stop being dumb as fuck and I can't do that sadly." I said.

Steve and Robin rolled their eyes while Billy chuckled. "You got a spare ciggie then?" He asked.

I threw him a cigarette and gave him my lighter.

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu