Chapter 22

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I drove into the street Sam's parents lived, parking pretty far away from the house. Sneaking around was something I was fairly good at.

Sam had called me earlier, asking me to sneak in because she was bored and not in the mood for a meet the parents thing.

Of course I agreed, I mean, why would I deny seeing my amazing girlfriend?

I got out of my van and pulled my pants up, walking around the houses to the back, planning on climbing into Sam's room from the garden.

Unfortunately for me, there was a fence around the house. I let out a heavy sigh before pulling myself over the fence with the tip of my tongue stuck out. (A/n: I'm sorry I had no idea how to explain it but I mean the tongue thing Joe does lol)

It wasn't that hard, I had gotten quite strong arms because of the many years of dragging tables from the cafeteria to the Hellfire room, but it was still fucking annoying.

I swung my legs over the fence and let myself fall down, landing on my feet. I made my way to the house and looked up, trying to figure out what room was Sam's.

Eventually I guessed the room with the lights still on and an opened window. I sighed heavily again and climbed onto the shed, walking over the roof to the window from Sam's room.

Before I climbed in, I peeked inside, making sure it really was Sam's room.

When I saw her laying on the bed dessed in one of her signature short crop tops and black pants, my heart skipped a beat. She was so pretty.

I opened the window a bit more and climbed inside, falling on the floor in the process. "Fuck." I whispered, laying on my back.

Sam let out a laugh. "You're so stupid." She said, getting up from the bed to help me up.

I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up, hugging me once I stood straight. "I missed you." She murmured into my chest.

I hugged her waist tightly. "I missed you too My love. How has living with your mom again been? I know you've been here for just five days but still." I said, letting go of her and laying down on the bed.

Sam laid down next to me, grabbing my hand. "It's been pretty fun, I love irritating Billy and hanging out with Max, but I'm still glad I moved out." She said.

I hummed, pulling her closer to me and kissing her temple. "I get what you mean, it should be easy to solve that with visiting more frequent though." I said.

Sam nodded, laying her head on my chest. "Yeah you're right, maybe I'll do that. Do you wanna meet my mom and step-dad sometime?" She asked.

I looked at her, surprised at the sudden change of subject. "Are you sure you want that? I mean I am the freak. What if they think I'm not good enough for you?" I said, speaking my concerns like Sam always said I had to.

Sam turned to lay on her stomach, looking me in the eyes. "Eddie, I moved out of my abusive household at 16 and you think I honestly care about what they think? I think you're perfect and more than I could ever wish for. I love you with all my heart and their opinion isn't gonna change shit, understood?" She said, looking at me sternly.

His sweet love (Eddie Munson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now