3. Fly

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Maddie -

Today I just felt really thankful but I don't know what for I guess it's because they say the worst years of your life for like an echo and they just won't move and I just wanna stop but today I feel free and you know the first am going to do a split my wings and fly but you know freedom always comes with a cost I think but today.

I'm not worried about anybody I'm just worried about my Felix he's been feeling really down lately and I don't know why I hope it's not JYP telling him that he's route because he spikes on it he's so beautiful and so perfect and I don't know why he's doing this to him I just don't know why he does stuff it really bothers me that he does stuff to him .

I mean why would you do that why would you put someone in that position and think it's OK to talk them it's been really difficult because Felix hurt his back the other week and it's been really difficult because he's been doing physical therapy I've been having to massage them before we go to bed .

I have to constantly feel his back to make sure the disk in his back isn't movin I'm
the next up we have a surgery. So it's been really stressful and I just hope that.

I can really you know be there for him and hope that he is going to be OK I mean it's really scary just how careless you know his boss is and that he's done this to us I'm really mad at JYP for his carelessness It really pisses me off that he could do that to someone and think that there is not gonna be consequences for the action .

I think he thought that if you like Scott hurt that I would flea because I didn't want to take care of him Longo that just now getting in and gave me more time with him and I can spoil him and give him the love and affection and treatment that he needs so it's really really hard right now to just stay calm cool and collected but I never know.


oh my back I moved and it started to Pop  and Pull  and I started to freak out it's really hurt but then I felt Maddie Massage near me so it didn't hurt as bad but it was still extremely painful Maddie Has done  everything that she could ever do for me and I feel really scared because you know .

I'm supposed to be taking care of her she's not supposed to be taking care of me but as always maddie does these things and never complains I mean I get that she has had cancer but there is no reason for her to be taking care of me when I could've been prevented have my boss not been so pushy and harsh on us.

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