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San -

Liz are you home Liz I'm here and I bought cheesy corn dogs for you Liz where are you I am here and I have gifts I was really excited for today because I was finally going to hang out with Liz for quite some time because she and how to get to the studio and he was going to be gone for sometime but he didn't feel comfortable leaving

Liz by herself because well you know it can be kind of a weird city if you're not used to it and I really wanted her to feel comfortable and feel well liked and that she was excepted here but I wasn't going to stop for anything I really wanted her to feel happy loved and appreciated because she's a great girl and I think that she could potentially do whatever she wants to do and soul like she doesn't have to follow the week mechanics like she can do whatever she wants to do and soul but I don't know why people are just so rude I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts because Quill  ran  to greet me at the door hello little guy where is she where is your mommy is your mommy home Liz-oh you silly boy I'm sorry I knew he would beat me to the door but he always likes to see who's there so he can greet them and give them kisses he's a huge kisser I'm really happy for you .

I just will always love you darling like I will never stop loving you my darling and I won't stop
never stop loving you ever OK and I want you to know that I will always be here to support you as a best friend of course I mean no one can compare with Chris but I will always be here to love and support you no matter what.

San -


thinks that means a lot to me that you still love and care where me as a friend so that's all I really wanted I would have hate for you to not love and care for me that really would've that really would've bothered me if you stopped caring for me all together because I think that I A nice guy I thought that .

I was a good person to you and know you always you love me too but I'm happy to support you as a friend

and I won't stop supporting you either so I'm extremely grateful for the things that you've given me like you know time  everything in between so thank you for that.

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