8. Lipstick stain

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Kairen -

Sometimes I have to pinch myself without blessed I am I've been here for two years now and lots of things have happened since I've actually gotten a lot better I found my person

Han and he

really loves Peter and Peter lips him and we're in a healthy relationship and I'm really happy about that because it always hasn't been easy I've been for a few struggles in my time but I try not to let them to find me and Maddie she told me why she was so scared of love the other day I mean .

I kind of had a feeling she was treated bad but I didn't realize how bad it was and Maddie doesn't lie she never has so it really was surprising when I when .

I found out the magnitude of how bad things were in her relationships she told me that her express her down the stairs and gave her a blackeye and she told me that her friend tried to get her assaulted at the party and take naked pictures of her.

I wanted to cry but I asked Maddie if they ever got those shots of her she said no thankfully but it had she not fighting back she would have gotten exploited and Maddie has always had a phobia of that .

I had to getting taken advantage of at a party or being made fun of I think the biggest mess inception is if you're disabled or have a disability or a chronic illness that your friends will be supportive of you well that wasn't the case for me or Maddie our friends have failed us in lots of ways before we met each other Maddie said that she did not believe in friendship and did not want friends at all she said friend you're a waste of time and maybe just a big meal up imagination or better yet maybe they just existed in teenage dramas .

I feel terrible for her and me because she has suffered so much in her life and she had never realized the magnitude of being used until she was 21 years old and she had had enough of this person is person I've been in her life for quite some time and lied to her and told her she'd be there to the end of time but she failed Maddie miserably and at the end of the day Maddie snapped and let her have it .

I always knew Maddie was shy but seeing the words that Maddie used to describe this person that's how you know this person really fucked up and put her through some help Maddie said that she never chewed someone out that hard before in her life and it was like she had so much to say over the past five years I think she said her message was 1000 words without her crying but I just bought for her because I knew that Maddie was Not the bad person she never was the bad person I was never the bad person in my story it's just how people perceive us because it's easier to say is the person with a disability small chronic illness because they don't wanna make themselves look bad I've been through a lot but I'm so thankful that I have Han .


kairen  my darling are you ready to go I have lunch packed for Han river then I thought I could get you some hot chocolate and maybe we could take Peter to the pet store and get him a toy if you'd like to do that but I'm happy doing whatever you want to do also I bought us does Honeydue to celebrate our anniversary and I think the cherry blossoms are blooming if you want to go see them. " I'd love too " perfect let's go.

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