17. Tilted

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Chris come here I want to talk to you I know in just a few years time you will be 30 years old you're 24 now

I know you've always wanted a girlfriend and you wanted to like to just sit down and settle down and after the line later in the line life but

I want you to know that

I will be watching your every move no matter if you think you're alone because I don't know if one of these girls try to get married or end up pregnant .

I know you thought you could outsmart me with your wedding to Liz a few weeks ago but you were so wrong about that you were not going to outsmart me I've kind of been keeping tabs on you and if I find out that you are trying to have a baby or thinking of having a baby .

I'm not going to be all happy because you're calling is as an idol and not as a father right now you know you all heard the story of what happened to Bobby so please don't be stupid like him and maybe the state will stay with you longer I mean it Chris

I will be so pissed off at you you were one of my OG training so please don't make a mistake I mean goddamn

I know you love her but come on.


if I want to have a baby with Liz I think I should be allowed to do that it really pisses me off because you kept me in the dark for almost a decade and after that decade you never changed you just kept me in the dark for absolutely.

reason and then even finally decided to debut mean but it was an all the goodness of your heart you knew that we were all going to leave you soon and then you create a reality show and you illuminate our free most successful members

like a peanut butter to the jelly of the sandwich like what's a peanut butter sandwich

without the jelly got rid of Lee Know and Felix how stupid are you that was so idiotic of you and you knew .

I would stay because you knew how much I wanted to be an idol you know how much I owe my family and I think the least .

I can give my mom isn't the money which she already has in return my mom wants to see me become a dad she wants to see me become a husband she wants to see me go often and become a father and I think .

I'm allowed to do that I don't really care what you say anymore you may control my music or an hour but I can always leave and I know that our state will support us if we leave you and go under a different company because you don't completely oh honest .

I mean yeah you can keep the old songs but you know that we normally write our own songs and we have our own little company of the rap line so you'd really be fucked and especially with Maddie and Felix if they wanna go up and have a family they should be allowed to do that you cannot keep hold on us  forever and the last time I checked isn't your wife like 15 years you're junior ?

very well but you've been
warned you will figure out the consequences if you go against me.

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