13. Again and again

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Maddie -

how did I get so lucky I wondered maybe

I did something in my past life that I just don't want him to do it because

I still don't know how I ended up with Felix he's one of the greatest people in the world I think he loves me for me not what I don't have I gotta say it was very challenging in the beginning to find someone that left me for who I wasn't not what

I could do for them that was the worst part of my existence I think is wanting to fit in and not be able to fit in so it was very very very very very hard to not be able to fit in and what not it was it was hard and then it really bothered me in a way because I've always wanted to fit in and I'll be excepted but

I was never excepted or really looked at but I try not to think about it I'm just happy that I have people now that love and except me because .

I could still be single and happy in living in a town that wasn't very kind to me but I try not to let it get me .

I try to just be thankful and move forward and you know keep on being able to be grateful and everything in the train but sometimes it's really difficult because

I think of you know what if they don't really like me for me what if it's all like an act but they like me for me so that's all that really matters.

Felix -

hello my love any big plans today are you and Liz and Kairen going to sightsee or all that's right Kairen is off with Han today that's right
Maddie how could

I ever forget that they have that charity dinner to attend and I hope they rise tons of funds today so that these kids can be put on the organ donation list and not have to worry about the foundation of propaganda and profit that really scares me that all these families could be in financial debt because their child's organs are failing. Maddie I promise we're gonna find treatment plans for you and it's all gonna be Okay
and we'll get our happy ever after don't worry about it honey we're gonna be fine.

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