34. I otta kill you 

4 0 0


oh my god oh my god oh my god no no no no no I thought this couldn't be happy actually no it wasn't happening this couldn't be happening it wasn't happening no this is not happening this is not happening my daughter can't really be missing no she can't we take great care of her within again .

I started to have my suspicion of who might've taken our daughter I had to tell Liz and I had to tell her quickly who would've taken my daughter and thought they were going to get away with it .

I thought who does that who takes a child and thinks they're going to get away with it or that was gonna play with them I don't know who this person is but they're not going down so easy I'm gonna find this person and they are going to have no choice but to talk.

I begin to make phone calls I asked Maddie if she had Jp with her and she said no that she hadn't seen Jae

and this is really out of character for Maddie she's the most overbearing mother version to get in Korean
She has a security system too
They have an alarm for all times

so they never leave their site

unless they're taking a nap so now I know we're looking for a culprit and I'm gonna find this corporate and it's not gonna end well for them. Liz-Chris Sun Chin  is not in her crib where is she where is our baby I Need to know where she is so I can help her I'm getting really worried should

I alert  the authorities yo I'm going to we should really look around the house and maybe check maybe check the security footage if not there's a new daycare in town I have a feeling that's where they might be apparently it's owned by your boss this cannot be good. Oh my god 


Han Noori is missing I've already alerted the authorities I'm going to look for him but there's apparently a new daycare in town so I'm wondering cause new daycare workers and our alleged taker abductor they could've taken the babies because these kids are really well known to the public this is not good.

don't worry I called for help you need to ask Maddie where Jae is so we know if we're looking for free kids or just two kids but I am not doubtful that this person would have taken Jae  too.


Jae is missing as well but I'm already on my way to daycare I'm trying to check your IP address so please stay with me we got kids on the line we got this guys come on let's make a break for it.

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