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                                                                     * PLAY MUSIC IF WISHED TO*

                     " Now here making an appearance from the family of Ralftilia is Duchess Tilia". Loud clasping hands could be heard gathering as I stepped my foot out onto the crystal white balcony. How people gathering from far and wide gathered on this very day awaiting the day I would be wedded to the duke. Although it had been some time since I was last able to see the Duke since we had both been busy, I was now 18 and the duke was 20

It had been quite some time since I had last seen him. Two years to be exact. As all leisure time had ceased and the two of us all had to attend to many matters for the sake of the capital, welz and the kingdom Welzdon, And with that cleared up all time for me and him. As well as for the Princess it had been years since I last saw her on the day of her coronation when she had just turned nineteen. 

But I ignored my emotions hiding them under a warm smile paying attention to the moment of appreciation the people of Welz had given me. Ignoring that icy glare but not quite forgetting how deeply the hatred boiled in their eyes.

I was absolutely ecstatic, too excited to keep my poor heart calm from the ablazing fire consuming each and every part of me in pure and utter excitement. The people no longer looked at me so coldly as they once had, With such distant hatred and jelousy I never had peace as a child but during these last five years I've worked hard to gain favor of the people not paying attention to such useless things called " Status" Or " Titles" Instead I actually took the time to attend to there needs and even took a one year hitus point while traveling personally around Welz. Helping old abandoned places, Giving charity and building new homes for the older ones.

I then slowly shifted my attention to my dearest friend. Seeing as her garment was as beautiful as they have always been. She had a dress that was off the shoulders as long sleeves followed after the small hanging fabrics that covered her arms. While her long gown reached towards the floor with her creamy white dress was slightly flowing and not filled with heavy garments a queen is required to wear. It was a light dress outlining her figure in the most fitting way while adding an elegant touch to her very slim figure.

  Sitting on the slight upper tile of the room was Queen Evaline sitting in the golden and carefully made chair. As gold outlined the chair while a creamy white color blended in with the beauty of her dress as well as the portrait of both me and the Duke stood behind her. As a deeply and warm smile was forming around her lips. While a slight wave was seen as her still small and elegant hands, through the cold air. Creating a slight warmth as all nervous feelings ceased from my heart. Filling it with a calm friend I had longed for and missed dearly.

I smiled back waving my hand as in the heat of the moment slowed down while small pieces of paper fell from the painted ceiling as the tall walls loomed over my small figure with the most glamorous chandelier I had ever seen hung from the ceiling sparkling with each time the light would shine upon its glistening diamonds.

While the wish I had wanted so badly to happen was finally coming true to finally be loved by my people.  The people of Welz. To finally no longer be alone. Hidden in the dark or in the shadows of someone else.

Slowly her smile faded away. As a new face began to step onto the floor. As all people began to shift away making a pathway for an odd face that I had not been able to see for quite some time. A familiar face although it had been too long I could remember it from anywhere.

The crowd continued to make a path as he continued to make his way towards me. And with each step and old memory of the times we were children called me. As the beautiful music continued to sound about the ballroom echoing leaving only us to in the room as our eyes met becoming so intoxicated in each other's gaze. Pulled in by the feeling of an empty longing.

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now