page 15

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   five days had passed as I had stayed up all night attending to new patients. 

Until despair hit us all. Many patients had been to late to receive any attention. Many were on there death beds wishing only for a small moment with me as much news of me had spreads as well as grows. 
The patients that had passed all wanted there final moments. Saying one last thing to me as they all gave me there thanks. Passing on something to me. 

These frail people witness the downfall of there home. They were once even the leaders who controlled the affairs. But along the way the sickness grew.and in the end they were consumed by it. 

It started of as just a small fever and cough. Then to watery eyes all too soon end up in sores and if you had it for a while your organs would slowly fade and weaken not working properly. As well as your blood circulation to stop. 
Many suffered in pain. Many died before I came many lives were lost and taken by even the hands of the bandits. It was pain hearing all the tragic tales of this land. It was once so beautiful. But now had been forsaken. Even the land around here was luscious. For the forests that once surrounded these lands was named Lutacrist Forests meaning the forests of life. As well as having the most well produced fish coming from the river of sage. 

Despair filled my heart watching as each of their stories be told with such a sad ending. And after these five days my heart broke. But I became stronger promising to not leave until the people were back on their feet. 

My last patient was a very frail couple. The ones from the founding family of the village. 

That day one of the ladies that had been helping me came to me. " The founding family wants to see you. They've taken out herbs but it seems they wish to have a word." I turned around towards her asking her to attend to the center while I was out taking a paste and oils for them as gifts. 

I soon arrived at the small home. As a young girl waited outside. Bowing and opening the door to the entrance. " They are right to the left in their room." " Thank you" I replied. 
I walked down the old hallway as their old paintings stood on their walls as their house was the first I encountered to not be creaking. 
I saw the door as the end of the hallways as the wooden panels sat perfectly in place. I opened the door slowly to see the small and frail couple sitting in their chairs holding each others hand. All to say at the same moment in time. " Please take a seat."

Their room was beautiful and cozy. Although it needed some tidying up I could see how well their home was kept. As their love and persistence kept it in tact. 
They asked me to sit in front of them on a small stool as their chairs were red with oak tree wood outlining while the same materials were made out of my stool as well.

" We've heard about you the past week. The new traveler maiden that treats those of the sickness going around. As well as the sudden maiden who brought bandit men to their knees in an old tavern." The old man said
" Quite the rare gem. You have strength and a deep amount of hope and bravery. and for that we ask you for something." The old woman says
" We want you to take charge of this village." My eyes widened in shock all to soon cease and I become slightly sad to decline.
" I'm sorry but I cannot. Although I will take care of this village I have many matters to attend to outside of this village." I said
 " How sad. How come dear traveler what calls you?" The woman says
 " There's many things that have been stuck to my hands thus I cannot choose the leader."
 " We are of much old age as you can see and our ages will only hold us back we need someone strong and young to lead our people if you aren't the one who can it be?" The woman says
" Well I will choose a leader and they will be similar to me since this village is quite big in size I will choose four leaders for each section and every month will be a meeting discussing affairs. I will only leave when the village is well and on their feet." The old couple smiled at each other then smiled at me.  

" We once were like you. Strong and brave filled with hope and dreams of our home. With years to come we were slowly forgotten. We weren't as much help to the village and with the sickness around we were only bed ridden. Until days ago your boy gave us a paste allowing us to walk once again and even gain out voices back." The old man said 

"We will leave it to you and your husband as well as your small child that helps." the old couple says.
" Husband?" I say shocked
 " Yes his name is Eli he came by with your son delivering help as well as attending to the wounded. I even heard he began to rebuild some buildings on the far east side as well as the west side." I smiled widened on my face as joy was seen. It was nice having those to help me after being so alone.
" You have many stories in your eyes. Even a deep secret I pray you'll find peace. Keep those two by your side they will do you well." The old man said.
" As for you choosing the leaders we will hand you five keys to each building in each second they hold many items that could be of use."
" Why five?" I asked
" The fifth one you must take with you and open it when you return from your journey the building to that key can only be found by you so keep it safe." I smiled placing the key around my neck as it had a small little necklace. 

" I thank you for these gifts." I said bowing
" We thank you as well."

 They said bowing slowly walked me out of the door. When we made it to the door the old lady kissed my cheek giving me small papers that had their names signed. As well as the old man shaking my hand giving me a small hug wishing me success. 
"May we ask your name before you leave?" The couple asked "
 My name is Ralftila." I decided to tell them my name. I watch as there eyes widened as they gave even more gratitude.
" May I ask yours?"  I replied
" My name is Maxims" "
And my name is Rosery." I smiled then gave them a big hug wishing them goodbye. 

Walking down on the path I wished them goodbye. Finally turning around waving " We'll meet again!" I yelled. Thus they smiled returning to there home.

Walking on the path I realized walking on this path. The land slowly began to find its light again. And it had only been a week. And slowly the fog faded. 
A small piece of me wanted to know what Elijah was doing. And how Atticus was holding up with him. I wasn't planning on leaving him to Elijah but I got carried away. 

But whatever they were doing the land began to grow small sections of grass. 

I took a deep breath. Breathing in the slightly more fresh air.

Running in the distance was the women. Who was in charge of the center. " Miss Tilila ! MissTilia" Maxine yelled. I slightly ran to her in a panic as her eyes were watered down and exhausted as her legs shook in tiredness.
 She panted and panted crying uncontrollably trying to make out the words. " Calm down Maxine Just say it!"
" Atticus is back! But he's alone he came sudden with so many  patients. He said Elijah is in danger! The bandits suddenly attacked his camp as the men were rebuilding the buildings they got into a brawl and took Elijah to the preoccupied place!" My heart dropped.
" What of Atticus? Is he okay?" " Atticus's leg is hurt He rode the horse and wagon here as fast as he could. 

" You go back to the center and attend to the new patients gather all the women and tell them to treat the patients." " What of you my lady!" " Do not worry. Where is Atticus?!" I said she went silent. " Maxine!" " He went back to Elijah." " No." " Go Maxine! Go now!" I shouted

Running the other direction back to the old couples house. 

They came to the door. " I need a horse Eli is in danger." I said in a rush. 

They lead me to there strongest and fastest steed. She was strong and her mane was long. I jumped on her leading her to the way.

" Thank you!" I said riding off. 
Breezing past the trees and all to come. 

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