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   Five Years ago...

When I had awakened, I was laying on shore as the river that sat at my feet kept tickling my senses awake. I slightly opened my eyes to see a tall man in casual where hovering over me, Asking me if I was alright. I couldn't reply for my body was stiff and col and nothing made sense to me. My memory wasn't even there, I just sat numbly blinking at him as the light behind him continued to blind me. And along the way my consciousness faded again, All I remember feeling was warm hands pressed up against my skin carrying me.

When I awakened again my body was covered in bandages and with all the bruises painting my skin purple I felt much pain. Most of the time that I stayed here with this man was all a blur but every moment I would open my eyes he was in my room switching my bandages and giving me meals that for some reason I can only remember barley eating. These memories are still foggy but everything felt as if my consciousness was barely hanging on whenever I was with him. For many days he took care of me and for many days my memory sat still but I'd always have nightmares of what happened at the ball. 
As my condition began to get better I began to stay awake longer and slowly walk for small amounts of time considering my leg and my head suffered the most injuries. Around the time I was able to walk suddenly the man vanished and I never seen him again. But he left something behind medicine and herbs for me along with meals prepped. 

I stayed in the small cabin for  a while until I was strong enough to walk for longer. And then I set off for my new journey. One day while I was walking in a nearby village I had seen countless guards roaming around, one had spotted me and then they all began to make there way towards me with hatred in there eyes. I ran away from them hiding in an alley way until I had seen a wanted post and it was just who I expected it was me. The cause of why I was wanted was on the poster and soon as I read it I remembered everything. And right when I did I knew I had to run away and hide my identity for the years to come.

After running away from the dark knights for years all while looking for evidence and clues to who was culprit. I had helped various villages and various people some knew who I was and some didn't others would use me and turn me in. Others would welcome me. And some wouldn't do anything but turn me away and turn me in. 

After the first two years of wandering around I noticed small little details and encountered an old woman. Who explained to me the last three years the Queen grew harsher with tax payments and had neglected the old parts of Wellzdon. These parts were already caving in. For a while I stayed with the old woman for she was the chief in her village in sancroomora it was a small village but she was the first woman to welcome me and listen to my story never once believing I was a bad person. For many months I spent my time with her, helping her out with the land and taking care of affairs in nearby villages she even introduced me to her young grand-daughter who was my age. Her name was Sarah but sadly my time with her ended for the Dark knights found me in her village. I had to flew onto the next location the last thing she had given me was a small box full of information but she made me burn the box. Later in the years I met Sarah again which was only a few days ago all though I couldn't recognize her she was at Bi-Green Villa she was walking and I encountered her but thanks to my foggy memory I didn't even bat an eye.

Moving on after I fled from sancroomora I had made my way to the upper part of Wellz, It was devastating the people were sick and fallen with an unknown illness. They had sent countless letters to the main hall of affairs but they were again another village that was neglected. By the Queens order she had there settlements destroyed leaving many people sick and homeless.
All on my own I had decided to make my way back to Sancroomora and ask for Sarah's help. She obliged and offered her help. Many hard working weeks went by to transfer all the people to Sancrooma and eventually I met another person who helped more and more. And his name was Mikhail from the abandoned villa curmo. 

Many years piled on with my endless wandering, And eventually I put my search for the culprit of the blood moon ball at a pause. And spent four years helping the lost and neglected people of Wellzdon. This allowed me to encounter many people from many villages. Again not many knew who I was because I had to protect my identity but they should help us.

Sarah and Grandma Choi from Sancroomora 
Mikhail and Michael from the outskirt lands from Curmo
Naveda from Welecomb village 
Misha from Turno village 
And Celeste and Yurno from Pasanova village 

Each of these people helped me stand on my feet, But we all vanished from each others eyes. And never seen each other again. 
During these long adventures I had always felt like eyes were watching me but nevertheless I never encountered the person who had been following me all this time. They weren't a threat and they never brought me harm or any ill intent.
Eventually after four years had past I made my way to Crex docks where I met Atticus and all is history.

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