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Night soon falls as the sun begins to hide behind the horizon and the moon begins to awaken the night. " We should prepare for a camp. I have supplies wake up Atticus he's on watch duty." I just listened as he came to a stop scanning the area and agreeing it was a good spot to stay for the night. He quickly gathered some wood starting a fire as I grabbed some cloths, Food, And blankets prepping the area.

" Atticus wake up." I said slightly tapping him "Yes?" He says rubbing his eyes.
" You're on watch duty i'm making a meal as well so wake up so we can eat." By this time Elijah had already made the fire and soon after twenty moments had past. The sun was completely gone and the moon was beginning to rise in the sky. " I began stir the stew I had made since the night was cold and we could use all the warmth we could get. Winter was coming soon and many things were frosting away the farther you went north. " It's going to be cold tonight. Take two extra blankets and sleep on the wagon." Elijah said cupping some stew into his bowl. That was the first thing he had said to me in all day since the bumpy ride. I just nodded continuing to cup some soup for Atticus soon handing it to him as his drowsy eyes laid low. He slowly blows the soup sipping it as a warm smile is placed on his lips. " It's good." He smiles a bright smile.
" Wait why do I have to sleep without a blanket?!" Atticus says slightly pouting " Who said anything about you not having a blanket?" Atticus growls
" Woah there why so angry Eli?" Atticus hushes " I'm just saying." Elijah softens.
And within the crackling sounds of the fire and the distance sounds of owls and wolfs howling. We continued to eat our meal. Talking about anything.

" What happened while I was asleep I could feel the road suddenly get rocky but I had no energy to get up." Atticus says and suddenly the same image of Elijah popped into my head flushing me in redness. Atticus soon noticed asking me " Are you okay? You seemed flushed." Into which Elijah laughed slightly teasing me with his eyes across from me as we sat on the logs surrounding the fire. " Oh hush Eli."
" You sure are a red Princess."
" Eli!"
 He chuckles gazing at me once again with those deep and mysterious eyes and dark hair the curled around his face enhancing his eyes.
I just looked away. Paying him no mind slightly smirking as we all ate our meal.

" Hey can I have seconds?" Atticus says hovering the pot of stew. " You can." " And what of you? You look like you need it most you're turning thin." Elijah says " Eli your pushing buttons you shouldn't push." Atticus threatens " And who are you? You are just some lost puppy thats the size of a coin." Elijah growls " And your someone as big as a tall tree and as dumb as a sloth." I hissed at Elijah. " He looked surprised furrowing his eyebrows soon smiling a sneaky smile full of games. " Feisty are we miss tomato." Atticus then starts to laugh slightly coughing his stew up " You do get flustered easily Mistress." " And you agree with this log?" I furrow my eyebrows frowning. Soon finishing my stew and saying goodnight. " Of to bed so early." Elijah says chuckling again. Watching me as I walk away with those observant eyes.

" Goodnight boys." I say laying onto the wagon quickly covering up and closing my eyes. I was exhausted and just being able to relax after three months of non-stop work, Was something I desperately needed. I quickly fell asleep dozing straight off whilst listening to the trees dance in the wind and the sound of plates and forks slowly drowning out.
"Goodnight Tilia." The boys whisper 

A slight smile curls onto my lips, And soon quiet is granted for me. 

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now