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          After a few hours had passed Atticus had fallen asleep. While both me and Elijah were still wide awake. So I decided to join him in the front.
" Elijah did that guard tell you anything before he left?" I asked
" Yea he said something. He said that we should head to the capital's outskirts."
" The capital?!" I slightly raised my voice " I'm not ready to go back there you fail to remember I'm wanted there."
" Well I'm sorry princess but the capital is crawling with lies. And the outskirts are crawling with clues." He sighed
" What did he tell you?" He asked
" He told various things about Eve." I kept it short keeping him slightly at a distance for leo had warned me.
"Don't you find that odd? How the blame is shifted to you and only you?"
"She never accused me, the people of welz did."
"So you don't know."
"Know what" I said looking at him in curiosity.
" The year after the massacre you completely disappeared from the queen's gaze remember?"
"Yes, I left to search for the duke and the killer since the queen wasn't making any progress."
"Well after you left. The building where the ball was held, your residence, and the dukes was all merged into one. By the queens assembly. Sending a wanted paper out. She considered you a dear friend being sent wanted for investigation.
"Why?! Why would she do such-"
" To build a castle. The queen resides in welz now but as you know she's been missing for years.It was said that before she went missing she built a castle in the capital. She said that she made this close castle to keep an eye on welz. But I think she's just searching for something or someone."
"With the Queen missing who is attending to the affairs of the a Kingdom."
"No one knows it's some mysterious lady rumored to be a distant relative of the Queens."
"What does this Kingdom never know what's going on."
"Also I have a random journal, It was left at a bar in the outskirts lands and the guard gave it to me."
"Well read it."
"I can't it had a lock on it."
" well try the key on your neck."

so I did and the book slightly glowed all to cease and the book flung open. As the pages quickly passed by full of writing. All for the writing to soon stop leaving nothing but blank pages.
"The writing suddenly stopped." I said
" I wonder why she stopped." He said

As soon as he said that I flipped to another page which had the date of the massacre on it. And soon after the rest of the pages were only blank filled with nothingness.
With a foul smell stitched to the blank parts of paper.

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now