page 14

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After a while of setting up the small mats. And the sitting areas of broken chairs that barely held up as well as placing medicines on the shelves I was able to announce those.
An old bell was seen in the corner of the room as it was old and rusted but could still be used to ring.

I rang the bell. Shouting at the top of my lungs trying to get the message out. " Medical Service!" I shouted this phrase five times. Until a small figure emerged from the small fog that seemed to be lifting up.
" Do you really do medical service?" The voice's raspy voice whispered. "Yes, How can I help you?" 

I could tell by the limping their body was in great pain. While they had sores blistering all over their body. One of their eyes was closed and squinted with small tears falling from out.
I led them to a small mat to lay down quickly making a fire for some herb tea for the raspy voice they had. " I'm guessing it hurts to talk?" I asked and they replied with a simple nod.
I pressed on her sores slightly as she twitched in pain and small blood vessels popped at the slightest touch. She had bruises on her body from new sores. " I'm sorry."

I then got up to attend to the tea. Adding in some herbs that would help with a sore throat as well as any hidden sickness that were leading to the plague. I then bent down to give her the tea giving her rest while placing a paste on her sores. That would calm the sensitivity as well as calm down the irritation. I bandaged up her sores applying an ointment paste to her leg that would cool the burning feeling she had.
" Rest here I will be back to check on you."

Soon another person emerged from the fog with similar conditions. But this time their sores were already popped. As a yellowish substance oozed out of their leg. And their arms.
I led them to the rest area to lay down. I gave them some tea and applied the paste to the wounds wrapping them with bandages as well as applying some oils to the bandage that would help the bandage stay on as well as enhancing the paste's effects.

Slowly people began to come to the small medical place as they emerged from the fog almost lifeless in pain and some barely being able to move.
The place was filled with many patients and chaos slowly filled. People became angry. People began demanding things and soon yelling and shouting disturbing others.

" Give me my medicine now! I've waited for hours!" An old woman shouted
" I'm sorry madam but I am the only doctor here. " I replied
" How so! A doctor couldn't have been the only one to make these herbs! You're just keeping them to yourself!" The women shouted and the crowd praised and agreed with her.

The patients became relentless and restless some became angry at all the noise and others wept. As the elders were also slowly becoming even heavily angry while being to in pain to say anything more.
For a while I ignored the crowd raging past the boards until pure chaos was born.

A man jumped over the desk as others snuck in trying to steal herbs. " Hey don't touch those!" I yelled over. As shouting and yelling became Relentless and tiring. He snatches the herbs and runs away with them, Disappearing into the fog.
I tried to shout over the crowd as more people barged in and chaos erupted. While during this my patience was filling to the top of the glass and the more it filled the more the glass cracked.

Until finally it did crack and shattered.

My patience ran low and nothing but irritation and frustration was in me.
 I jumped over the desk taking back the herbs as well as pushing down the thieves throwing them over the desk onto the floor beds. As well as shouting at the top of my lungs as my garments waved in the mists.
" I've had enough of you people! I am a lonesome traveler who happened to want to help this village. I spent all this time making these herbs on my own! These are my Medicines that you touch I do not have to help! But no one wants to accept that There is someone in this world. who wishes to help. You don't steal and you don't rage. There are many people in the same situation as you so if you would all calm down. I can attend to your needs!" I shouted standing on the top of the desk. The crowd went quiet as a child emerged from in a crowd both eyes shut limping as there arms were painted blue.

My heart shattered watching her come forth. As tears were still able to fall from out of her precious eyes.
" Then where where you when this village burned down? Where were you when we needed you?" My heart broke as tears filled my eyes. I jumped down the desk grasping the child into my arms.
" Don't you'll catch the sickness-" The small child said.
" Do not worry about such things I'm sorry I wasn't here I had no knowledge of this land. But I do now and I will not rest until it is safe once again." I tear escaped my eyes as I picked up the small child looking into the eyes of the woman who was once shouting against me.
" I'm sorry." The woman had tears in her eyes weeping slowly convincing the crowd to put trust into me.
" we will help."

Eventually the crowd settled giving me the last bit of supplies they had.

I began to head back behind the desk. Laying the small child down giving her a special tea. Covering her hands arms and legs in bandages. She was small and frail and her eyes were constantly watery. I applied paste on her wounds of course before all this. But another wound needed more attention than another one.
Suddenly a voice emerged behind me as a group of young and old ladies could be seen. " We would like to help you. We're trained in the herbs and poisons and have much knowledge on other antidotes." I turned around smiling in joy " Poison?" " It can be an act of treatment if done correctly." " You're welcomed." I smiled attending to the small child.

I then warmed her arms up saving them from the lack of oxygen by massaging her arms for quite a while.
 " Thank you" The small girl answered. I then laid a warm wet towel on her eyes.
" Do not worry these eyes of mine are long gone." She whispers
" I've been blind for as long as I can remember. Although my eyes do hurt."
" Well this will ease the pain." I smiled. She then lifted her small hand onto my cheek as her finger tips were warmer and her skin was soft as a fresh bed of snow.
" Thank you Princess." She whispered A sense of shock welled in my stomach
" Don't worry I won't tell but I know it's you. Momma used to say one day a woman would help us and she would be a Princess." She smiled.
I then kissed her small hand placing it down as she quickly fell to sleep.

One of the old ladies found the cover of herbs and began to make more medicine while another attended to tea adding other herbs. Another woman had also begun to learn to make the paste I made by watching. While another attended to the guests outside writing down symptoms. Guiding people to the area their symptoms lead them.
Slowly the place became so full we had to expand to the outer backs. Laying rest areas there. Many people came in.

Some as children some as adults some as elders some even to help.

A while later a woman decided to go out and ask those in need to come to the medical center and help those beyond the areas of use taking herbs and spare paste and tea. While others piled in saying the same message from Elijah.
" These people had some tea and felt much better. They wanted to give thanks and help as much so I sent them with some herbs I found. Atticus is also helping as much by making a low quality paste that has oddly helped those with small sores and wounds." He wrote this letter.

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