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                                       The sun peered through the windows, As the curtains slightly blew open letting a fresh breeze kiss my skin. I could feel the rooms silence as the sun grazed my body and kissed my limbs. But there was something different about this morning, The bed felt heavier and much more comfortable with a breeze kissing my arm where there was no window. Small breathing gentle and crisp, kissing my arms as someone is sound asleep.

I flutter my eyes open batting them twice. To see Elijah comfortably laid beside me. My hand rests near his hand tightly holding it as his is loosely holds mine. I was shocked not knowing what to do. But for a few seconds I admired him, His creamy skin was kissed by the sun, His eyelashes were so long slightly curled up, As his nose was high matching with a jawline perfectly shaped, With his midnight hair not styled but relaxed kissing his forehead and cheeks. 
~I see your hair is slightly wavy~ I thought to myself as a smile spread across my face.
~ But why is he in my bed?~
~Why is Elijah in my bed?!~ 

Countless thoughts wandered in my head, As I slowly began to rush. I couldn't wrap around my head around how he got here. Or why he was in my bed. I was on the inside of the bed near the wall as he was on the outside. 
His large body consuming all of the air making his chest raise, And soon falls down with each exhale he makes. His muscles resting still while his long torso and wide legs that are strong and large compared to mine lay relaxed right next to me. I could feel the warmth seeping into the colliding with mine.

Suddenly the door swings open as Gerard, Theresa and Atticus walk in the room. I close my eyes pretending to be sound asleep as Gerard pours water over Elijah, his eyes quickly jolt open.  And he lifts up his body hovering over the bed with his hand still in hold from mine, He quickly lets go looking towards Gerard who is now standing by the bed side with Atticus and Theresa. 
"What on earth are you doing in bed with her Elijah?!" Theresa roars as Gerard throws the bottle to the side. 
I just stay down with my eyes closed pretending to sleep as everyone always seems to go quiet when I get involved.
"Water. You pour water on me in my sleep?" Elijah says as his voice has more of a rasp but he is slightly quiet as if he's holding back to yelling.
"Yes we did, Your acting improper I know we aren't people of the castle anymore as such but Ralftilia she's-"
"She's what?"
"She is! She's meant to be wedded to the Duke! So what nerve you have to sleep at her bed side like her husband. That's rude and completely not acceptable for her purity-"
"You wake me up after I welcome you into my old home? And you prepare for me a speech about her purity?" 
"Elijah why are you in bed with her?" Theresa says softly
"That is not your concern. You and I both know I wouldn't have slept here without a reason." 

Elijah lifts his legs and puts them on the bed side, Stepping his feet onto the wooden floor boards. He yawns slightly wiping his eyes as everyone patiently sits waiting. Irritable and boiling for an answer. But Elijah could care less about being sarcastic and pushing the wait further. 
"Elijah." Theresa says with a threatening tone.
"If I want to sleep in my own bed I may, And I don't think I owe anyone an explanation of what occurred last night for me to be beside her." Elijah stands up glaring down at everyone.

I knew Elijah just wanted to protect my feelings and not share the burdens I haven't told anyone else. Even though he does things that appear to be cruel he has many emotions far behind those curtains he draws.
"She is to be wedded for goodness sake!" Gerard says
"I don't see how her fiancee involves me." He says scratching his neck, rolling his eyes to the side. 
"Can't you see it will never work between the two of you? This is wrong to give her false hope when you know what lies ahead of you! You're not even from here what will you tell her Elijah?" 
Elijah storms past them all ignoring what they all have to say grasping his cloak hanging off of the door and walking outside. "If you're wondering what happened last night why ask me? Ask your dear Duchess." He says with a smug look
"Good morning by the way, Princess." Elijah says before exiting out

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now