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                 After many hardworking months of rebuilding and repairing what was left and what needed to be remade. We eventually found ourselves growing fond of this old town, So many hard working people and so many citizens coming together to uproot the past and finally being heard after decades of being abandoned. Some people held a grudge against the leaders of this nation but many were open hearted and willing to make a change.
During these short amount of months, many changes were brought upon this old place. And many secrets of this land was spilled just like the blood these land was built off of.
After I opened the clinic, Many of the girls who were taken by the bandits began to help around all finding their own ways and navigating life in there own special ways. Each day they would tell me stories of what happened, each of their short and long amounts of time being there kept locked away, hidden and trapped. Only surviving thanks to a few of the bandits who were solely there to provide some sense of materials to the town even though the leader had lied and given them nothing.
I even had learned that the bandits leader, John was once a Noble involved with Eve the mad scientist who created all of those most potent poisons. John had suddenly decided one day he would go rogue retiring his duties and responsibilities to his family. His last name was unknown so I couldn't even search for any Information on him.

After the day we gained back the preoccupied lands, Atticus kept using some concoction he made that not only helped regrow the land but also made it flourish like never before. And soon after that the voting for a new leader among the people was gruesome and cutthroat. Many people tried to gain the likes of the people in order to inherit all the conditions and power. But both me and Elijah knew that the town leaders were no simple task to just hand to anyone. Thus we decided that five leaders were needed to uphold the towns affairs. Four of them would stay on each side of this huge town  updating the central town leader who would make decisions as a whole. As the other four leaders would handle small tasks. The final one who was chosen from the people would take action for the town's well-being as a whole.

And eventually the town leaders was chosen. And although our attachment to this place was real, So was our need and the desire to figure out our own twisted paths.

"Today's the day we depart isn't it?" Atticus said looking down at the town from one of the hills. I slowly began to walk towards him.
"Yes it is." He looked sad and unsettled but moreover he was slightly happy as a small smirk emerged from the corners of his lips, he gazed at the twin from the top of the hill looking down at the town.
"I'm upset that it is time. But look at the town it's almost been two months. We've all worked so hard rebuilding and growing stock as well as establishing trade routes. The land was becoming luscious and even the tree's leaves came back as well as its beautiful greenish color. How can such a person grieve?" Atticus said
" It will always get better, be glad we helped after all wasn't it well worth it?" I asked
" It was worth it, Look at all the children laughing and playing. Rejoicing in all that's to come."
"Then that is why you smile. And smile in all the things to come."

Something about him did seem different. He was more mature and more prepared. Resembling closer to his father.
" You resemble your father very much Atticus" I said patting his head.
"Atticus would you like to stay here?" I asked.
"No. My place resides with you My lady." He said.
" You are only but a small child what if something were to happen to you?To me? to Elijah? Your should choose your happiness Atticus." I say pinching his cheeks.
"And I will choose my happiness, Fighting right alongside you! Elijah has been teaching me just how to handle a dagger and sword! I am not a small boy give me more credit, I have tried my hardest and given it my all. You guys are my happiness and the world brings arrows of sorrows to you. It's best not to be alone when you see them raining down. I just want to finally be kept close to the one person my father knew."
"But I cannot bring you into harms way. I do not have the heart to. And Elijah teaching is nothing compared to a real battle!"
"You have no idea the training I endure!"
"I know you try you hardest-"
"Then don't belittle my efforts." He glares at me
" When have you become so grown up! Fine. You can come. But only if you can beat me in a duel. And if you promise me you will never put yourself at risk." I said placing my pinky in front of us "Fine I promise." He said pinky promising me.
" But do you really expect me to do this duel? Your a lady! Noble at that!" He whispers to me
"Noble or not you aren't the only one who has endured a tough training method."
"Who taught you?" He asks curiously
"With some training I taught myself, But as a young girl it was your father who taught me."
"My father!? But he never trains with his sword!"
"Did he honestly never tell you he was a soldier in the days of war?" I say surprised
"Well each young man is taught the way of the sword and weapons, a lady learning this is belittled and not respected so he secretly taught me."
"But why did you want to learn and how did you ever convince him? I know my father and he is-"
"A stubborn man? Indeed he was. But I was even more stubborn. Now besides the point you must beat me in a duel before we leave this town which is tomorrow at sunset. We will also make it a small way to say goodbye just a little something the town can remember us by." I wink at him
"Then prepare for embarrassment."
"Me? Oh you just not know me well." I say bending down to his height.

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