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                                                                                five years later

" Hello miss you've misplaced this." A small child said running up to me. I slowly turned my body around as my cloak danced in the wind slightly tugging at my hood causing my hood to fall off. The small child had grey eyes the color of dark clouds on a rainy day. His skin was pale as his cheeks were rosy he was such a small and frail child with a hand full of joy.

" Why thank you, little one." I bent my body over down to him placing my two fingers out in order to grasp the small brooch in his hand. The small brooch the duke had dropped by mistake on that fateful night he was dragged away from me, and into that river. A painful memory passed throughout my eyes as the lingering scent of blood and sense of danger caused my blood to boil. It had been five years and I had not seen him in years, With a blur constantly clouding my memory due to exhaustion.

The blue brooch stood there in my hand. With the same beauty it had when it first laid on center of his chest on his black well fitted suit. It had slightly gold pieces surrounding it. With silver pieces hidden on the inside. With a precious gem placing all the elements into the completeness of a beautiful brooch.

" I give you my gratitude small one." A genuine smile stretch across my face as small dimples pressed on my cheeks.
" Don't give me your thanks mistress it seems like this is something precious to you." The small boy said returning a smile as well.
" It is... It is a token of remembering someone important to me."
" Have you lost something mistress?"
" I suppose." A saddened look appeared on my face with a soften smile.
 " What saddens you my mistress?" He asks tugging on my cloak.
" Why? Are you curious? You shouldn't be so nice to strangers!" I say smiling
" Well perhaps. I do like stories a lot."
"Well I have many." I say placing my hand on his head
" Well tell me one!"
"That requires a payment in some sort." I chuckle
"I am only kidding-"
" A meal! I will offer you a meal!" The boy eagerly says
" I was only teasing you." I say trying to cool his eagerness but his excitement was way past him And Before I knew it the small child had ran off grasping my hand and pulling me along with him to an unknown place.
" Just wait a moment!" I slightly shouted in hopes he would listen but he did not he just glanced by smiling soon leading me to a dirt road while wild flowers continued to become more and more common and colorful the air became fresher in the sky became brighter.

Up ahead pass the dirt road and distant town buildings came a more calming road very long indeed with big and tall trees with a helping hand of flowers of all rarity. A house sat at the end of the road on the top of a small hill. A small vacation home.

" We are here!" He says letting go of my hand. Running into his home.

It felt odd to be at peace in such places like this. But within the years I've come to enjoy life in the open flower fields. With fresh wind breezes crossing past my hair. Grazing my cheeks and curing my empty emotions. It had been a while since I allowed my emotions to seep through. I admired the beauty of the scenery watching the birds fly into their nest.
Remembering the small pockets of memories, That are distant and far. Days that are long gone and people who have long disappeared with the friction between me and Evaline along with the disappearance of the Duke. Everything has done nothing but change.

How odd I would find this child on the day of  remembering the massacre. The same day but different year. "it would be another year of not finding you my love. It's been exactly five years, And nothing but change has been brought to this pain.

" Miss are you coming?" The small child shouted peeking his head out from the door as a small breeze whispers past his curly hair Tracing past his light brown hair. Resembling gold.

I turned around quickly wiping my tears. "yes"

I quickly found my way up the small hill. Opening the door and finding the small boy in the kitchen clattering dishes around and heating the stove. All to reach his small hands up to the cabinets reaching for all the ingredients.
" Where are your parents?" I asked looking around the spacious home, And wherever the eye meets his home was cozy and warm, Welcoming in each way. It wasn't too grand but it wasn't average and small. Just a spacious and cozy home, But lonesome with no people here to share it but a small boy. 
" What do you fancy Mistress?" 
" Surprise me." I say  

A smile stretches across the young boys face, And he continues to cut up some onions and tomatoes along with many other ingredients and for a young boy I'd say his cooking skills were not that of an average child.
"So do you not wish to talk about it?" I say sitting on the chair he has placed for me
" Talk about what?"
" Why is someone so young is living alone and inviting a complete stranger into their home." 
" Your meal is served." He says with a beaming smile.

And within seconds a boiling pot of stew was laid out in a perfect bowl with all the sweet smells and delicious aroma kissing my nose. 
I picked up my fork placing the warm food into my mouth tasting its tender stew as flavors mixed giving you a sense of home and clarity. My eyes watered.
 "What's wrong mistress?"
" nothing, its just been a while since I last enjoyed a kind meal." He suddenly placed down his fork as if he had an important message as a sudden sense of sadness lingered on his face. Suddenly tears streamed down his rosy cheeks.
" I'm sorry small mistress I've lied to you. The truth is I stole your brooch in hopes of you talking to me. I have no friends And constantly living alone as you can see its, Lonely." 
" Don't be upset I understand. "
 "they died five years ago today is the day marking five years. Although I never found out how. One day, I just check the mail and had gotten a letter, Informing me on my fathers passing. And my mothers. " He cried as tears stained his cheeks and his strew fell from his lips

I softened my eyes, Wanting to comfort the small boy who lives alone. With his tears staining my emotions and slowly seeping into mine.

I got up from my seat walking over to him smiling in concern." You have not deceived me but rather created a friend. I to lost someone dear to me. So let us share this meal together." I held onto his small hands as the cleaned house allowed the fresh stew to linger. While the sunset gleamed through the glass windows. " I just wanted to have a meal with someone and not share another year alone. I've kept the house clean and kept. Waiting for there return. But I know they never will came back." He wept and wept as I consoled him.

I soon grew attached to him. And worried for his wellbeing, Five years he sat in time alone waiting for there return. His heart unable to let go and his mind grieving each day. 

We continued our meal. Soon sharing a bond we've yet to have in years. A young boy and a duchess. 

" its nice to meet you Mistress Tillia my new friend." I gave him a kind smile placing my hand on his curly hair.

" Nice to meet you." But how did this small boy know my name?

I once was a Duchessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن