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For the past week the boys kept me updated on how their affairs were going, They each fulfilled their part of the plan and succeeded my expectations far beyond what I had thought.

Elijah was with Maxine, Back to back with no rest placing antidote at the decaying lands. And just like Tilla's Villa the people were impaired and affected by the big spills. Of course Elijah wasn't to familiar with herbs and antidotes but he still made due with what he had and with Maxine's help the two covered three and a half lands while continuing to do more with the on going days. Although the process of the lands healing would take far longer, But at least these antidotes would reverse its affects and do no more harm to the land.
Gerard was up to his task, And with his mischievous side it was only natural for him to cause such a disturbance. While Gerard was making various newspapers and out rightly making himself a criminal slandering the Queen, Much came into light about the farther out lands that had been suffering. In the span of five days various attacks happened to the queen and many people piled at her gates raging on. While no one ever knew who the mysterious person was who continued to publish these newspapers. He even found a way to feed the fire and spread more of the facts about the queen and with the outskirts growing sicker and weaker they all realized the Queen left them to rot.

Both Elijah and Gerard were slightly working together, Although Gerard moved village to village more quicker than Elijah who had to slightly stay a bit longer. The two continued to exchange intel with each other while Elijah would give Gerard antidotes for when He visit the outskirt lands Elijah had a slight helping hand.
On the other hand Theo was gathering all of the villagers, Sitting at the sidelines and inspecting everything from a distance while causing chaos. He was a bit to noble so he would help the people. But within the week he traveled to many parts of Welzdon and collected the people I had listed. Along the way he gathered some information about the Nine wanders and their leader.

Everything was going to plan, And with the Queen withdrawing the date of her engagement ball I realized she was holding it off due to the restless attacks and the medium size of villagers gathering at her doorsteps.

In a span of a week a small outbreak happened among the villagers from the outskirts and the nobles and people from the abundant lands. Various arguments and feuds at taverns, Along with the mysterious newspapers and official newspapers and slowly even the press began to argue among themselves. Tension was rising with each newspaper that was revealed a secret or a rumor was brought up. And the people themselves slandered each other. I had to admit Gerard was a good reporter he made everything sound so interesting and knew how to push peoples buttons.
Along the way Gerard even informed me how he had met someone new, someone who would be the spokesmen of the mysterious news paper someone who would go out and debate on these matters. It wasn't even a month yet and the kingdom was falling into shambles.
With various people giving public talks and starting gossip beyond repair.

Theo was still not here with all the people I had told him to gather, Instead the group I had once been entangled with for a short amount of time questioned Theo and even tension rised between them. I needed for all of these people my friends from back then and my friends from now to get along if I had any chance to expose Evaline for being Eve, And to expose her wrong enthronement, I had to point out all of the aspects and crimes she did.
The fate rested in the peoples hand, But we also needed the councilmen to agree that she can no longer be on the throne. As long as six of the eight councilmen agreed, she would be throne off.

Little over a week ago Evaline was holding Atticus at knife point with a dagger to his throat, And she told me that just in three days to be back at the castle for the ball that would most likely be the day I die. But a week had dragged on and three days turned into seven with the ongoing attacks never ceasing to stop.
Until they did.

The Attacks stopped, The people stopped rioting and gathering at the Queens gates, The taverns were quiet and no longer filled with arguments and feuds, And the mysterious newspaper all ceased. A day went by with this quietness and then another, And eventually the Queen assumed they all quiet and favored her again. So the ball was brought right back up from ruins.
But this was just the quiet of the storm. Although the boys were planning something behind my back they were being more sly than I was.

Two days passed after the week of chaos and the Queen declared her engagement ball once again. Sending out various invitations and calling the press to set everything out.
The people of the outskirts were quiet but that's something the queen shouldn't have overlooked. But like the arrogant she did.

And that's what caused all of this.

I once was a DuchessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang