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 After telling the long and eventful story I realized there was much on my mind I couldn't remember much that didn't make sense. I continued to answer there various questions.

"What in the world are you made out of steel?" Gerard says in shock
"You spent for year travelling Wellz non stop? Saving all of those lands?" Theo says sighing
"I don't know what drawn me to do this but I did." I said
"Yet all those places you encountered yet you never found valuable information." Elijah says scoffing
" I did encounter Eve once." I said thinking harshly at the blurry memory.
"Don't joke around like that! Eve is hidden and mysterious for a reason." 
"I encounter Eve twice actually."
"What are you talking about T? Elijah says 
" I seen here at the day she attacked the Bi-Green Villa. And the first time was..." I tried my best to remember all to fail. Only remembering a rainy and cold night filled with despair.
" Wait she attacked the Villa?!" Gerard says
"Lets not forget the Queen is Eve." Elijah said
"That makes things even more troublesome." Theo says furrowing his eyebrows
" Why did you never mention anything?" 
"Lets not forget I can barely remember who I am! Let alone identifying someone in a pitch black cloak in a far distance."
"So how did you know it was her?"
"No one has deep green eyes like she does, They haunt you and replay in your mind." 
" No one forgets a memory like she has with Evaline." Elijah says sighing

I grew frustrated with so much I was missing in my mind I couldn't make out various clues. And with my memory coming and going I felt bound to failure and defeat never understand what is I should do and shouldn't. I was all the more confused and more over aggravated. 

"Tila are you apart of the nine called the nine wanders?" Gerard asks unsure.
I look at him confused on what exactly he was talking about.
"Gerard don't go spouting nonsense." Theo says rubbing his eyebrows 
"I'm not! But seriously you guys haven't ever heard of them!?" He says shocked
" No one dilly dallies in legends." Elijah says mocking him
" Fine since you two are to prideful to ask I will just tell you, The nine Wanders are those who traveled around Wellzdon and picked up old and abandoned villa's from the ground. The saved countless their leader was considered the tenth person but they never counted her."
"So you think that is me? Are you insane?" 
"You know eight people!"
"And I know even more now!"
"This isn't the time to play games, In just three days Ralftilia will be at the castle so if there is nothing important and valuable to this conversation don't mention it." Elijah said
" That would apply she's missing one more person." Theo mumbles
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Your missing someone." Theo said
"Not you to Theo you can't possibly think she is-"
"It is a possibility since the Nine wanders plus their leader were unknown and their identities were tightly hidden. She even said she felt someone was watching her over the years."
"That doesn't explain how she is the leader." Elijah says frustrated
" Besides the point I have a plan."

I took a deep breath standing to my feet and looking at all of them.

"Were all ears." Elijah said
"We will split up, Theo's men will join each of us on our journey. Theo your job with your group of men is to rally up the people I've told you about they will naturally involve the people that I to helped as well, these will be our people to cause the Civil war with Evalines people.
 Elijah your job is to go to the poison and decaying wastelands and clean up as much as you can and slow down the decaying process, I'll give you all the materials that will be needed. You should meet up with Maxine At Tilla's Villa she will help you with the Antidote tell her I sent you and she will help you. 
And Lastly Gerard you will will cause chaos."
"What do you mean cause Chaos."
"You grew up among commoners and Nobles you know perfectly how to manipulate someone to your cause I need you to do just that."
"So basically you want me to Rally up a bunch of rumors. I don't get it."
"If we want the people of Wellz to go against the Queen we need to give them a reason. Once everyone comes storming to her door step they would have heard all of her horrid words and deeds. Especially the people from the Outskirts they haven't heard much about the Queen and her affairs I am sure many outskirt places are on their feet but not by the help of there Queen." 
"How will I even spread that much information in three days?"
"You were grew up among commoners, Whats one thing they will always have and pay attention to?" I said grinning 
"The newspaper."
"Bingo!" I said grinning even more
"This plan is so out of order." Theo says rubbing his eyebrows again
"And its random." Elijah said
"Yes but It'll work, The Queen thinks all these years I've been in hiding but she's wrong. I've gained the favor of her people for many years before disappearing now we just have to give all the power to the Queen."
"Yes but what happens on the day you get taken to the castle?"
" My execution will be declared after that, Once Theo Makes it to me with all of the people much of the information that Gerard sent out will have reached most of the kingdom. And thanks to The Queen neglecting the Outskirts them receiving a newspaper they'll be eager to read it in hopes the Queen will be helping them. But they'll be sadly disappointed to see she is well and thriving and in anger the people will start a riot at her kingdom."
"You are sneaky pinning her own people against her with there own hatred for her."
"Its the only way she can get thrown off of the throne." 
" Executions takes a Weeks time to be considered valid and with the hatred of the people pointed at me it will only take four days. And on fifth say I will be set of execution."
"How are you planning all of this?" Elijah says grinning at me
"What can I say, You live among them you become sneakier."
"We have to make Haste then if you want this all to go down, We have a few days to pin the kingdom against her we mine as well do it now."
"After the riot begins what is next?"
"I will flee, Evaline will set her knights out to get me putting on a fake facade for her people that she is bringing justice when in truth she will be following after me. I will lead her to metrodome and finish the job myself."
"You plan to kil-"
"Make haste! We don't have much time. This plan lies in the hands of the people lets hope they play their roles right as well."

After a long night of planning we set in in motion, For I was split up from the three of them and began to put in a different plan for myself. One puzzle was missing and I just had to make due with that I had.

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now