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It happened all suddenly as deep and thick atmosphere began to pour from the eyes of the distant figure on the ballroom floor. The lights went out leaving nothing but the darkness to remain as the glistening moon shined through the window, As still the shadows of rain dripped down the ballroom floor. Painting it in a somewhat Erie essence.

A slender figure cloaked in darkness whispered odd words while her head was tilted down towards the floor. Hiding her smile of betrayal and cunning plans. " So Duchess Ralftila, We've finally met after many years. My you've changed a lot. Quite the women.... I suppose," The lady like voice said holding up a dagger at me pointing it at me, directing her gaze of hatred. 
The duke hid me in his arms holding me closely as the dagger she was holding was no normal one. It was a target dagger a dagger you only use to throw at targets. "Who are you? State your name and family." The duke forced out of his mouth as his eyes darkened and turned dull full of a need of protection. " How precious the Duke of Wellz has come to be a savior." The dark figure said as a smile no longer remained as nothing but hatred and anger remains.

Suddenly the crowd grew even more worrisome as they became unsteady you could here the men struggling to keep there precious wives alright and not as upset. As small cries and whispers filled the room to the very tips. With an unsettling silence been disturbed by small whispers.
" It's so odd after all these years, You still don't remember me Duchess. Not even my voice. Not even this dagger. After enjoying your life and leaving me to rot." Suddenly Ajun shifted his eyes onto one of his personal and well hidden Guards. I could tell he was hinting him into leading me away towards safety but before I could say a word the noise came to a halt.

Silence much louder echoed through the room like shattering glass catching your attention.

Her heels began to click onto the marble floor as each step she took she said even more hurtful words as if she knew me. And with each step she took a piece of me burned Into ashes and blew away in the empty space of air. An evil cackle escaped her crimson lips as a even more  mischievous smile appeared.
"The amazing Duchess Ralftilia such beauty no one could compare with an icy glare adding the cup with elements of darkness. But who truly knows.... Duchess Ralftilia? This cocky girl." She said looking at the audience all to face me again approaching my eyes with a deadly glare. " So very unfortunate today would be your last day of living."

An evil laugh emerged as the doors at the top of the crystal staircase burst open as slamming doors echoed through the ballroom. And all Chaos was birthed on that bloody day.

Arrows rained down on the ballroom with screams of pain and agony appeared with blood pouring from out of their lips. While curses filled the air in angered pain. " I told you Ralftilia!There would come a day I'd take away everything from you! Each dream each thing you loved." She shot the dagger at me as the duke pulled my head down grasping my hand running towards the now broken window as the dagger shot through it.
" Run Ralftilia." ***** **** says 

Blood splattered on my dress as the vows of hatred spilled from her mouth. As blood from all the people of Wellz dripped out of the now broken window tainting the white roses below it. Bodies lay limped as figures wrapped on dark cloaks called our names with icy glares and arrows as well as daggers following our heads.
Blood splattered on my hands as blood splattered from the duke's arm.

Screams and yells of agony echoed in the chaotic and terrified hall, As the sound of glass shattering and dinning tables being broken into pieces continued to be heard. With the constant ringing in my ear as I stared at the cloaked woman with a sense of familiarity. 
Petrified I stood still, With the world around me crashing and my ears continuing to drown the noise in and our. With her torture of laughter torching the flames of anguish and fear in my body.

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now