page 34

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             My head began to bang, As my heart quickened and my hands began to tremble. Nothing was making any sense while everything slowly began to click into place. My eyes blurred and with each giving second I could feel my head splitting open.
The world began to melt as reality and the past began to fade into each other. With a familar voice echoing around me.

My ears began to screech.

My legs began to tremble and falter, I could feel my body aching as beads of sweat rolled down my forehead and neck. While her loud voice continued to absorb all of my hearing.
" Lower you guard around me we're friends after all."
" I am to be Queen soon."
" You are very lucky to be marrying the duke."
" I have many duties to this kingdom but sometimes I wish I could run away."
" I'm learning to grow herbs to make medicine for my people."
"I'm going to send it out in large sums to the five districts." 
" Why the five districts? Because the most people live there!"
" I would love to live in Wellz."
" How does it feel having everything I wish I had?"
" You'll be a great duchess."
"Hopefully everything goes well." 
"My favorite place besides wellz? Duhimel Villa."
" The five districts are beautiful."
" Can't believe my only friend will be a duchess soon."
"The people are going to love you."
"My mother always told me, Never covet something that isn't yours and isn't meant to be."
"So long Ralftilia, May we cross paths again." 

That poisonous voice called my name wishing me a farewell to an ill fate. Her voice that sang only of backhanded things. 

Suddenly my mind fades away, And on the brink of collapse I fall to my knees. Gasping for air with each giving moment. I couldn't hear or feel anything with my eyes only growing black by the second.
Suddenly I am back at Wellz, Inside of the ball feeling that same feeling I felt five years ago. The feeling that someone is watching me, Someone is observing me with ill intentions while their eyes are buried farther in the distance. Just like that night those same eyes were watching me all this time. Those emerald eyes that seem kind but hold a long story to tell.

"It was you." I whisper to myself
"This whole time it was you." 

The bushes began to rustle and the wind let out a ghastly breeze, As that person emerged from the bushes with a vile smirk pressed upon their lips. 

Their cloak blew in the wind, As their hood sat still on there head covering there face in darkness and hiding their hair.
I could still see those emerald eyes, Glaring at me from the small distance.

I stood to my feet, Looking at her in the heat of silence.

"Just like all of those years ago you sat there, Smirking while all of your people died." I said glaring at them.
"Why are you here?" I asked clenching my fists
"This is my kingdom after all. Is a Queen not allowed to visit?" She says slightly giggling, Twirling the dagger in her fingers. While being sarcastic.
"You reserved your rights to the throne when you became the cause."
"Awe, It's nice to have a hero in this story. I suppose you think you have the authority to take a Queen down?"
"Why are you here!" I screamed as the breeze violently pushed off her hood. She began to take steps into the light as dark clouds began to roll in.

"To finish what I started all those years ago." 

"Who is she?!" Elijah said
"You Elijah are looking at the Queen of Wellzdon and the criminal who has put this kingdom in shambles."

Her golden locks fell down to her back, As her emerald eyes gleamed at us with a haunting look. Her cloak swaying in the breeze as the same dagger she killed people with that night rested in her hands.

" Hello again- Evaline." a voice spoke from my side, as Theresa began to walk to her sister's side. With her heels kicking the rocks and her amber eyes giving me a slight glance as she walks away.
"Theresa?!" Gerard said 
"What are you doing?" Elijah said clenching his Jaw
" I do apologize for the the delay dear sister." she said with a grin place upon her lips
"Do not apologize all has been planned for many years."
"Its nice to see you again Theresa." Evaline says smirking at me.
" Theresa you were apart of this?" I said frowning my lips 
" I am apart of this. Please do give my regards to Theo he was the only one quite close to catching me, A shame I couldn't have put an end to him."
"And what of Ajun?"
" Oh your dear fiancee? Why should I tell you? You aren't to be married any longer. Just a dried up and unwanted girl who no longer is able to be gained a title.

The two laughed in my face, As Gerard glared at his sister in hatred and Elijah glared at the two clenching his jaw and fists.
" What do you mean by finishing what you started?" I asked, clenching my fists
" By ending you lot that keep getting in my way. But of course not now I need something from you."
"This isn't a deal Evaline."
"Oh but it is. I have something you want."

Suddenly Aros from all of those years ago, Emerged from the forest with Atticus clenched in his hands while he winced in pain.
"Let him go!" I say trying to reach towards him. But she only targeted the dagger at his neck.
"Another move and he will be another drawn to your fate." I stood still retreating back to my place.
"What do you want?" I say clenching my fists again.
" On April 16th you are to return to the ballroom for my engagement ball."
"And why do I have to accompany you?" I said through my teeth
"Well the kingdom does miss its dear duchess demanding justice is served. I am only seeking the best results for my people. Oh- and the fact that you are a dear friend of mine." Her voice seeped into my head as countless memories continued to seep into my mind. While her voice continued to awaken the true meaning behind her what appears to be kind words.

"And if I don't you will harm that innocent boy?"
"Why of course, This is a deal remember. Unless the boy isn't what you want?" She says pressing the dagger deeper into his neck
"Fine! I will do it! I will be there."
"Why thank you for accepting my invitation. I will be keeping Atticus to ensure your arrival."
"What would your people think of this? You using an innocent boy for your ill intentions. What would they think is they find out you killed him."
"And lets say they do, No one would believe you over a queen. Please do make it on time there is a special announcement I must make."

She slowly began to back away, As Atticus stood Aros hands.
"Aros how could you?! You served my family for years!" He glanced at Theo looking up to me with pleading eyes, As I began to examine his cold facial expressions. Beneath all of that was a plead to keep my lips sealed as he coldly replied.
" My pledge is to serve the throne Besides some of us don't have much of a choice.." Whilst his eyes told me he would keep Atticus safe.
" You will eat those very words you've sworn." I say glaring at him entrusting him with Atticus.

Slowly Evaline emerged into the distance with Atticus soon being thrown over Aros's shoulder. Atticus looks up at me with pleading eyes, As I whisper to him
"It's going to be alright, Be brave for me." with a weak smile as tears were starting to form in my eyes. 

 As the rain began to pour down endlessly. With her laughter echoing in the forest. I could hear the rain violently crash down onto the trees and slipping down to the dirt. While the breeze violently awakened and caused me to sway.
I could still feel that aching feeling in my head, As memories kept rushing back ones faded like a worn out picture and others as clear as day.

And with each step she made into the distance Aros and Theresa stood by her side. While arrogantly she made her way down the long and dirt path. 

There I stood still with my hand placed on my head and my body leaning on Elijah for how much I swayed.
"Lets get you inside." Elijah says walking me towards the cabin as Gerard slowly helped Theo in there as well.
And along the lines of memories, My eyes stretched into a thin line and eventually closed shut. With non stop chattering in my ears. Refusing to rest.

She disappeared into the forest with the rain drowning her figure into the distance. 

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now