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                                                       In my dreams....

Dancing in my memories is him, Dancing in my heart is him, And the one I waltz with is him. Gliding across the ballroom floor as his warm hands are pressed against my back gently as he holds my hand softly.  Having his eyes fixated on me as if I was a delicate flower, he guided me. 

He was my air, He was my everything, But he was also the one I had lost and the one I had forgotten.


In a garden at Evaline's smaller establishment we all sat in the garden playing. As Theresa sat in the grass running her hands through its softness and taking in deep breaths. Within all of this peace with the smell of roses, tulips, and lillies, melting into each other we sat for many hours in quietness as the sun hung high in the sky.

Suddenly the door swings open as a young girl comes running down the steps, Her shoes clicking onto the clean marble while she holds up her dress so she won't fall. 
"Theresa!" She yells jumping into her sisters arms while her golden curls kissed her rosy cheeks. She smiled brightly at her sister as Theresa wraps her hands around Evaline.
"Well if it isn't my darling little sister!" Theresa says pinching Evalines cheeks.
"Why do you keep doing that!" She says pouting, pulling her face from her sisters face.
"Well that's because..... Your cheeks are like cupcakes!" Theresa says nibbling softly on Evalines cheeks. 
"Hey stop that!" Evaline says being consumed by laughter unable to contain her happiness, With a beaming smile fixed on her doll-like face.

Suddenly two boys come rushing out from the cream colored building as large curtains blow open and small crashing noises are heard with each step they take closer.
"Elliot get back here!" Ajun says chasing after Elliot with a wooden sword
"You have to catch me!" Prince Elliot says laughing while avoiding Ajun in each way.

I sat at a small table drinking my tea, giggling at all the chaos that continued to happen.

"Stop running away you stupid prince!" Ajun mumbles 
"Hey that's not proper manners! If someone hears you, Your father could be punished!" Theresa says quietly but harshly.
"Its all jokes, even so I don't take offense to his silly jokes. He's just a silly duke!" Elliot says making a mocking face at Ajun.

The two quickly ran around the table chasing after each other like a dog and a squirrel. Elliot's foot then gets caught on the cloth sitting on the table. It wraps around his foot as he tumbles over, And with Ajun running right behind him, Ajun quickly followed him to the ground. 

Laughter fills the air as Theresa, Evaline, And me all laugh at the two boys. So foolish they were always playing and teasing each other, They sat there on the ground one upside down and the other placed on top. 

"What on earth are you guys doing." An unfamiliar voice awakens the place full of laughter as he directs his gaze to Elliot and Ajun laid messily all over each other from the fall. 
They quickly stand to there feet, fixing there posture as Elliot becomes extra friendly with stars in his eyes looking to the boy that stood behind me.

"Lucian what are you doing here!?" Elliot says running to his side.
" What did I tell you with being too familiar with the prince! Use his title show respect!" Theresa says hitting her brother in the head.
"Hello prince Lucian!" Elliot says with a bright smile still on his lips.
"Your the same as always Elliot, always laid back."
"Who wants to be so uptight, That's so boring." He says directing his words to Lucian.

In shock and held aback by the boy who suddenly appeared before me I stood still. 
"Ralftlia you should also greet him its disrespectful not to-" Once Theresa had said this it all settled in.

I once was a DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now