In All The Right Places

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Evangeline's P.O.V.

"No. No. No. No..." 

Ben groans dramatically, making me giggle and send him a look. Uncle Luke is smirking at my brother and me before scanning our surroundings. Playing with a Nexu baby, I speak up to my family.

"She's so cute. I think I'm going to call her snowflake."

Ben, Luke and I crash landed on a jungle planet; we're waiting for Han and Leia to come pick us up. We've been walking through the jungle for hours and I came across a Nexu baby with a mother. The Nexu baby is a small white fur creature with a lot of pointy teeth and four eyes. 

They're dangerous when full grown, but easy to kill. This only can't be more than a few months old from its small size. Shaking his head, Ben snaps in a knowing tone.

"No way, Eva. No naming it. If you name it, then you get attached to it."

"... But look at her." I laugh while picking her up and shoving the Nexu's face into my twin's brother. "Doesn't she look like a snowflake?"

The Nexu then snaps its jaw at Ben, and he stumbles back, panicking. Our Uncle lets out a laugh before looking up to the sky, patiently waiting for our parents. He's in his usual black attire with his blond hair neatly brushed.

Ben and I are twelve years old; we're wearing our usual tan color Jedi attire. Ben has dark brown hair that goes to his jaw. My brown hair is in two buns covering my ears, but if it was hanging loose, it would be to my chest.

"It is kinda cute..." Luke mumbles, making me light up and Ben argues with worry. "That thing will kill us in our sleep. Eva, put it down before the mother sees you with it."

"He's right, Eva." Our Luke sighs in disappointment. "It's not safe to bring to the temple."

Sighing in disappointment, I put it down like our uncle requested. Though, the second I let it go, the air around me feels colder and it gets darker around me. Frowning, I peer up and find myself along in the middle of the night.

That's when I see the Jedi Temple in pieces with smoke rising above it. There are no flames, but the Temple is in pieces like hot coals that's causing smoke. 

Luke's Padawans and rebellion solder are laying dead around the rubble of the Temple. As if I can't control my actions, I take out my hologram and record a message of myself to send to anyone in the near this system.

"This is Master Evangeline Solo. I regret to report that the Jedi Order has fallen... With a black shadow of the dark side of the force rising. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi Padawan or rebel, trust in the force. Do not return to Yavin 4. That time has passed and our future is uncertain... We will each be challenged. Our trust, our faith... Our friendships, but we must persevere and in time... The light side will emerge again. May the force be with you."

Gasping awake, I spring from my laying position on my bed in my bunker. Glancing around, I find myself alone in the darkness of the resistance's bedroom. Rubbing my face tiredly, I try to drop the memory on my mind.

My dream was two memories that mixed in the worse ways. Glancing at the lock on the wall, ignoring what's on my mind, I see it's not even past one in the morning. Sighing, I lay back in bed and close my eyes. 

After what seems like forever, my mind continues going over memories I've spent years to forget. Getting out of bed, knowing I won't be able to sleep, I grab a pair of pants and put them on. Shoving my feet into a pair of running shoes, I go to the door to the bunker and press the keypad.

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